Opinions on this Hardshell Jacket
In germany a big shop for outdoor/bike parts and clothing has to sell out, so I looked for a hard shell jacket of good quality for a cheap price and found this one.
Im not really sure myself if the design is sleek and modern or if it will look a bit like its made for senior citizens.
Whats your opinion?
Fjällräven Övik Hydratic Jacke Herren braun günstig kaufen | Brüge...
Fjällräven Övik Hydratic Jacke Herren braun ✔ günstig im Brügelmann Fahrrad Shop ➤ 0% Finanzierung ab 99€ ✚ 30 Tage Gratis Rücksendung ✔ » Radsportkompetenz mit über 85 Jahren Erfahrung!

1 Reply
Looks fine to me.
Plus looking like a grandad is IN