Lagging with low ms
Im not sure of what it is but i rubber band a lot and its basically impossible to switch guns or aim in on the first try, my internet connection isnt slow rn and this only happens in valorant.
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24 Replies
packet loss, turn on the text/graph for packetloss in stats, check whether its that

packet loss, thats STR
what should i do ab it
search across youtube for solutions if its packet loss
is it supposed to be stable at 128 or is it supposed to be at 0?
128 is good
yeah its stable at 128 but its still doing the funny movements
idk if its packet loss
turn on packet loss graph
and play a swift or something
just to test it out
oh shit mb
wrong 1
u right
its spiking

have u updated your drivers n pc?
yh they all up to date
check your internet connection
search “internet speed test” and start, if the bars(circle) begins dropping mid way then it’s due to ur wifi
it aint dropping but its tweaking its teleporting around randomly, its probs from my side then
which is weird because i dont notice it in any other game
only valorant then?
are u on laptop or pc?
it might just be my wifi even though i dont notice it in other games
cant help too much from here, u can try adjusting ur antenna’s
other than that i couldnt help sorry
got it thanks brother
@MrAaron If you can, try plugging in your computer via an Ethernet cable
nah cant do that sadly, i wish
this is ticket rate but packet losses
ticket rate is always 128
unless u operate self host servers
and there's none in valo
that one will go up and down is packet send rate
well if u are getting above 128 fps all the time then u will have 128 send rate all the time
but it doesn't matter
just toggle packet losses stat
yes I just watched ur clip
it's an internet problem
update or rollback ur network adapter driver
also, open cmd as admin,
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
then restart ur pc
if problem persists, contact ur isp
only ur isp has the legal right and ability to fix this
got it brother