Icon font or directly

What is the way to go? Implement icons with an icon font or integrate the svg's directly? Which option would you choose?
10 Replies
EIO14mo ago
Depends on a lot though, but my go-to is the svg
clevermissfox14mo ago
You can also make your own kits of icon fonts with your SVGs. I’m terrible with svgs so I do like the convenience of icon font but it’s my goal this year to improve working with svgs. Trying to find courses that just go beyond basics (and aren’t hundreds of dollars) has been a struggle
EIO14mo ago
@clevermissfox yes please! When you learn how to manipulate SVGs, you'd be shocked how solid your CSS abilities will become
clevermissfox14mo ago
Omg is MS Wingdings the original icon fonts ??🤣
b1mind14mo ago
https://icones.js.org is powered by Iconify the largest API/source of svg icons. I just put them in the basket(bag) and click Sprite these days. I used to make my own till they added that 😄
clevermissfox14mo ago
I had it bookmarked as one of the svg icon sites but didn’t realize how expansive it was! That’s awesome you can generate an icon font or download a sprite ! I’m assuming you can upload your own SVGs too to include in the sprite/font ?
b1mind14mo ago
not upload I don't think but you would just edit the .svg to add your sprite. I think its good to know how it works cause its powerful. so like you would download that sprite.svg open it up in vscode and plop in your own svg. I do this with brand logos, I like to keep them all in a sprite for use.
clevermissfox14mo ago
Ah right makes sense. Typo, earlier icones is EXPANSIVE not expensive

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