Can anyone explain this piece of code for me please ?
I've just started learning how to use Action in Unity, this seem advanced

4 Replies
First, you need to understand variable that points to a method
Second, you need to understand lambda expression.
The right hand side of the following assignment is a lambda expression.
You can read
x => Console.WriteLine(x * x * x)
as a function that takes one argument x
of type int
and prints the cube of x
Why is the type of x
? Because variable_pointing_to_method
is of type Action<int>
.to add on to the last part
expects a method that accepts and int and return nothing aka void method
so the lambda
x => Console.WriteLine(x * x * x);
translates to
The previous examples show how to create a local variable pointing to methods which can be a lambda expression too.
Now we pass the local variable as an argument of
This argument is called callback because it is called or invoked in ShowRandom()
The code below is just a trivial wrapping.
Another non-trivial example.