what am i even supposed to do (ranked)

I started the game 3 weeks ago, but im not new towards fps games. I have around 300 hours on csgo. I am bronze 1 at the moment, and i cant get up. Im a gekko main and i avg 1.8~2.0 kda on unranked. All my friends say i play better than most gold players and i deserve a higher rank. Yet on every ranked game, either my teammates are full of braindeads and get 3 kills 13 deaths while i top frag with gekko and. Have to clutch every round (which doesnt happen cause every round ends up being a 1v4 for me) ; or the enemy team has a 45 2 0 reyna with 2nd being 2 kills. And i just keep losing most my ranked games like this. I cant play with my friends either cause most of them are gold-plat and cant play with me. How am i supposed to rank up like this?
7 Replies
owra14mo ago
keep playing ranked and you'll end up where u need to be
me14mo ago
The play is to main Kayo and play it like CSGO while you learn what all ur teammates should be doing. And yup, focus on ranked. It'll have the tightest matchmaking you can get sadly.
LemonizeOP14mo ago
me14mo ago
And I guess another tip is to try to spray less, unless your aim ensures every spray starts on a someone's head (and then u don't need to spray). In Val, the spray patterns are very hard to get right to the point where it's not worth doing more than bursting or suppressing through smoke, esp if you're just starting out.
LemonizeOP14mo ago
I try not to spray in 1v1s, but when i use flashes, i panic so much Like i throw dizzy It blinds 3 ppl i peek and get panicked so much that i end up dealing like 50 dmg and die
namesjames14mo ago
Yeah I felt this LOL. I was hardstuck silver for awhile, so I gave up trying and caring about ranking up, and actually peaked immo. I would join LFG and find a stack that you have alot of fun playing with, and you will eventually rank up
LemonizeOP14mo ago
Ok, ill try to find a group. Thx

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