Agent concept - Sandstorm (duelist)
Canadian native Sandstorm rips through the battlefield with his powerful gaseous explosions, creating a loud, aggressive style. Using brute force, he strips enemies down, creating openings for others to attack.
EQUIP a hammer that stuns enemies. FIRE to slam the hammer to the ground, stunning enemies near you. ALT FIRE to throw the hammer, stunning enemies near where it hits.
EQUIP a grappling hook. FIRE to hook on to an enemy, exploding them and flinging them away.
ALT FIRE to hook onto a surface and drag you toward your hook.
Rocket Dash
EQUIP a rocket. FIRE to go flying forward. ALT FIRE to send yourself upwards.
Bomb Runner
EQUIP a bomb attached to you. FIRE to light the fuse. once you explode, players near you, including you, will die.

5 Replies
thanks @Husker for helping me out with making the abilities n stuff :D
its like
a breach x raze kinda agent
and honestly
I like it
Cool art btw!!
tysm :D
Cool concept!
But I would like to suggest some changes to the abilities
For E, swap its use method ie fire to throw and alt fire to slam to ground. And if alt fire is used will sandstorm stun himself? Make it clear
For ultimate, it seems like being a suicide bomber. Atleast leave out some health cuz if sandstorm is only alive, and if he has to defuse the spike and if he used the ult the clear site, the defenders lose the round
So only drain like 90% health to use ult
his ult needs a big buff imo