so now if my computer not supporting TPM 2.0, i will be not able to run valorant?

245 Replies
is that the new patch or smthg
cause im running valorant pretty well like 2 days ago
@Mix (They/Them)
ima check after im home
I'm getting the same error, but I also played normally without TPM 2.0, my PC doesn't support it, now does that mean I can't play anymore? Did I spend money for nothing?
Do I find any solution?
you mean "me"?
sorry not rn
but some ppl with core 2 quad like my friend still work normally
i dont know how they do this TPM things
Man, I spent a fortune on this game for this to happen.
actually this game tell us to update our pc lel
It simply doesn't have TPM 2.0 or support for it and you have to buy another motherboard to be able to play!
yes like that
Oh my, my ticket is still open on the riot website, I hope we can resolve it!
This looks like some kind of update patch
Hey, should anyone who doesn't support TPM 2.0 stop playing?
If they don't have TPM 2.0, it would stop them from playing if it's an issue
Keep playing until prompted
So will I have to abandon the game??
Until you rectify the issue
Wow what shit,
I opened 1 ticket on the website, I hope to resolve it!
Did you check to see if you have a TPM 2.0 capable device?
Yes, I don't have it
The only thing you can do, which support will also instruct you to do, is purchase a new motherboard or tpm 2.0 module for your motherboard
TPM 2.0 Modules are the cheaper option:

Not supported ๐ฆ
actually i see on website this article is telling if pc doesnt support TPM 2.0 and smtng you must disabling VBS for win 10 but i tried it and didnt work
Addressing Virtualization-based security (VBS) settings on Windows ...
This article applies to players who receive the following VAN9005 notification:ย ย
VALORANT won't run on your machine starting July 10, 2023, unless you take action.ย
Your best option is to change ...
@๐ณ๐๐๐ you can try it if u want too
oh i see
ah man
i want to play valorant so badly rn
I already tried this
Did not work
I've tried everything, the only way seems to be changing the motherboard
Or whoever supports TPM and Secure Boot activates these options and performs work
In my case I just don't have tpm support
I'm already looking into buying some motherboards.
I'm thinking about the ASUS TUF A520M II
@.Dark what's ur motherboard
win+r, msinfo32 show me

secure boot prob supported, tpm 2.0 no
u have to buy a dedicated tpm 2.0
i cant turn it on
if i want to turn it on i must disable CPM Boot
and i'll cant boot to windows
u are already on uefi
why do u need csm
is on the description on my Secure Boot option
like If u want to enable Secute Boot :
- enable IPK smthng i forgot
- disable CPM
list disk
sel disk ()
detail disk
wtf cpm lol
csm u meant?
u don't need that
wait ima send picture

go key management
pk key
reset to factory
wait my windows cleaning up
@mythea look at this man ;-;

my pc didnt even support it
I didn't say ur pc support tpm 2.0
I said u need to buy a dedicated tpm 2.0 module
do u have any solution
I alr said
can u read my msgs firt
we sent it at same time
I said it earlier
okay thank u for replying
ohhh right there i didnt see it sorry lel
Can you scroll down in this photo

Welp nvm
sorry hehehe
the bios won't tell the os if tpm is supported or not
it will only tell present or not
Its for vbs
his problem isn't vbs
yeah, its tpm
If vbs is running, you can disable it to bypass the tpm requirement
look at this error prompt
What are you talking about?
I have bypassed the tpm requirement before. Like today
it isn't about not being able to use vbs cause of tpm disabled
his problem is about the game requires him to have secure boot and tpm enabled
different situation
Yes and tpm is the only requirement left?
then tf u talking abt disabling vbs
To bypass the tpm requirement?
disabling vbs worked because their issue was tpm not enabled?
his issue is the game requires him to have tpm enabled
loooooook at the error prompt
Yes and if vbs is running. You can disable vbs to bypass it
one is not hard requirement, one is
his issue isn't about vbs not being able to use
again, look at the error prompt
The issue is that tpm is a requirement! I know that, I'm saying that you can try disabling vbs to get passed the tpm requirement
different situations prompt different errors
no, u can't bypass in his case
the game requires him to enable tpm, not because of vbs
bro you get that error when vbs is off and tpm isnt supported
in that case, u get the error vanguard out of compliance
not tpm not enabled
that's not how it works
That's when vbs is running
u are misunderstanding
yo, can u check mine
vbs โ secure boot + tpm
skull issue
bro nvm
Guys, I'll spare you,
The only way to solve this error for those who use Windows 10 and do not support TPM 2.0, is by purchasing another motherboard or processor that supports TPM 2.0, and which fits into the socket on your motherboard.
People who have support just go to BIOS and activate secure boot and tpm
There's no way to resolve this
There are a lot of forums on the internet, but they all don't have a solution
The only way they tell anyone who doesn't have support is to buy a card
For the rest, just joy
This is only a recent change for our Windows 10 friends. You used to be able to enter the game with VBS
And now what do I need to do to play dnv on Windows 10?

@๐ณ๐๐๐ thanks for giving the info
what forums u read lol
all uefi motherboards should support secure boot, for tpm 2.0, u can buy and install discrete tpm 2.0, if ur mobo has the port for it
I'm not an Amarecian, I'm Brazilian, I read Brazilian and American forums
My motherboard does not support the TPM 2.0 card
What would that be?
How do you know?
uefi specs released in 2006
January tho
Dude, the only solution to this error
read again?
u can install discrete tpm
Are you talking about the board?
The TPM board?

something like this
My board doesn't have this one
And an x99
Xeon Kit
What mb do you have?
And a Chinese card, Xeon kit
there's two type of tpm, one is on board tpm, another is that one shown above, called discrete tpm
Xeon 2620v3
refurbished x99, that's why
thats a cpu
And an x99
Just put x99.on Google and it will stop

Found it
Wait, I'll show you
Asus does not manufacture x99

This is an x99 card
those ports down there
do u have a clearer picture?
Which of them?
there should be text indicating which is the port for tpm
Vou tentar
I'll try to find a clearer one
found it

Ok I'll find something
Yes, but my board doesn't support v4
v3 only
You don't know what a motherboard is
Chinese boards lol
They are adapted cards, Xeon processors are server processors
These cards are adapted to support the processor
iirc huanan also has a mobile H series mobo
soldered ofc
I have already decided to buy a new board and processor
I'm going to buy an ASUS TUF A520M II
With a Ryzen 5500
It appears that several players are receiving this error
Everyone did not have tpm activated
Riot apparently is taking away access
It's a shame because they're going to lose a lot of their players
ASUS X99 Motherboards - NEW Intelยฎ Coreโข i7 Processors
ASUS X99 Motherboards provide the necessary foundation for any performance-driven usage scenario, bringing Intelยฎ Haswell-E CPUs and DDR4 memory to their full potential.
who said asus doesn't manufacture x99 boards
and x99 with lga 2011 socket does have that port

it's ur fault for buying boards like that
lmao "brand: unbranded"
with gigabyte in the title
also the Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 and the Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4 have the same socket
if they use the same socket, then only a bios update is needed to support newer cpus
They both use the 2011-3 socket
asus x99 workstation series

yeah ofc not every board has tpm socket on it, but u should stop taking ur refurbished board as reference for others and reading dogshit forums that told u there's no way
it depends on ur board
i had this same issue but i got it fixed
Its not an issue btw.
yeh ik its an incompatibility
These are server boards
The boards we use are computer boards
These cards you are showing only work in server memory
Real As.x99 are adapted for ECC memories
They are smaller
Why the hell do you want ecc memory. Also memories?
Motherboard for server use and non-server use don't change in size (normally). Also what are you talking about and why?
ATX, MicroATX, Mini-ITX are some sizes used for motherboards
And if your saying that the motherboards shown only support ecc memory. No they all support normal ddr4 non ecc memory
No, I'm saying that the cards you showed are server cards
The board I use is an adapted board
It supports both no-ecc and ecc
That's why it's not similar to what you're showing from ASUS
@๐ณ๐๐๐ send it please ma bro
sorry just open my valorant discrod
wdym gone?
are they fixing it or smthg?
im not on my pc rn, cant testit
what da...
ill try it tomorrow is 00:26 now
thanks for the information
The guy say he just got perma ban and yoi want to click on it, use your brain and never download a file from someone else, also those type of file dont exist
This, it dont
And even if it was you would be instant ban since you tried to get around vanguard
May I ask where you got the exe
Then your going to be banned from the server
Your brain dead ? Valorant ask for tpm and secure boot, so you bypass vanguard
@OsWaynZz I'm getting a mod
For him ? Yeah you should
I cant use the / beaucse its going to have to be explained
Because their config is newer
Older config need to have tpm and secure boot because easier to use cheat on it or get hacked
You bypass vanguard, you dont harm the game but it still bypass vanguard so its an instant ban
You dont want to say where you got it
You got banned after using it
Your giving an exe file to "fix" a problem where you just need to activate a setting or getting e more recent config
@Steven stupid asf no ?
The .exe is fake yes
I ran it
It came up will multiple flags
And you got ban ?
Wdym flags
Iโm saying Iโm p sure thereโs a rat in the exe
Idk I donโt wanna actually get back up
A rat like a malware ?
@๐ณ๐๐๐ just going to report you ๐ซก
@๐ณ๐๐๐ im going to report you to the staff and they will see what to do with you not my job to deal with troll
You send a link affirming its legit and doesnt want to share from where it come from, eityer your really stupid and i hope your a kid either way your trolling and i cant know and i will not judge you its not my job, have a nice day
@OsWaynZz Its from github...
Fr ?
@Saucywan i dont know what to say :val_KekwSob:
@๐ณ๐๐๐ deal with it, your fault, your account is losed also next time if your really not trolling dont shared something you not sure at 100% its legit
Do you know that what file does
Me ? Look weird, and apparently have a malware and is meant to "fix" tpm 2.0 :val_KekwSob:
I can
Tell you
In a bit if you want
I had a question, how should I fix this error? error val : your account does not meet the following requirements in order play : asecure boot enabled
Make your own post
how i can fix it
Made your own post and ping me
tpm is Trusted Platform Module
But this file is named tpm. He thought it was for tpm, it isn't.
For that file it stands for Tmux Plugin Manager
And the best part
Tmux ? What is it ?
Its not for windows. Aka it does NOTHING
That would explain why it flagged
I was 2 lazy to discompule it
Compile **
Oh then its cool
on github its tmux-plugins/tpm
@OsWaynZz Did you run the command?
@Saucywan which one ?
/ emergency

I cant view it
but its for when the command is used
I reported to the staff by @Modmail but didnt do emergency
Up to the mods ๐
Up to the mods
You sent a file, in which didnt tell where you got nor what at does
Biggest insult i ever had, you just assume we were american xd
@๐ณ๐๐๐ just accept it you did shit, we cant know if you will be ban but for me its either a warn or nothing, staff will choose
We dont care ๐, stop spamming now
Its really, just up to the mods / admins
Random banana i am :hoojKeikaku:
lmao what
do u actually know what is it, and what are u talking about
also virustotal exists
atleast use it
Don't download or use files given to you by complete strangers with no legitimacy. Always, ALWAYS, reach out to official game support if you are facing an issue, and at most, discuss it with community. Don't do more than that unless you wish to compromise your account and device. Please be careful.
thank man your good :Iso_Love:
Can anyone help? I m having issue with my main account
but When i boot up my other account Im able to play fine. but when I boot into this acc it shows this error
It also shows on my friends Pc too not just mine but there accounts runs fine

win+r, msinfo32, show full screenshot

too blurry
but I can see it's on uefi mode
acer laptop and off secure boot
just switch csm off/uefi only
then turn on secure boot
u gotta enroll the pk key in some cases too
just use the reset to factory key option
write on your browser acer secure boot you will find a way to fix it easily either acer official site or youtube video
Its not that bro its all done already
show me ur bios
then you did something wrong because secure boot is off, if you had to reset key its would still show on

select restore secure boot to default
Btw I am able to run other accs properly except this one
this account is flagged as suspicious account, that's why
just enable secure boot
that's all
I enabled it, still shows secure boot required

no u didn't enable it
it's still on disabled state
show me the boot tab here

did u do this?
yes I did
what's in advanced


disable fastboot
n try factory keys again
save changes and exit
if still not working, u gotta make urself a signature file and enroll it manually, or reinstall windows
Nope I guess I will try reninstalling windows
also wanted to inform, It shows the same on my friends PC too and they boot valorant everyday on their mains
you can fix this, just go to valorant support website, create a ticket and wait for a week or so. Explain your issues and they will make some changes to your account and it will get fixed. I fixed it that way.
^this way only works if u are on win10
the restrictions are on ur account
It has been 2 weeks and they arenโt able to help me
Sorry but could please explain
But I have spend a fortune on that account dude
Whatโs ur windows?
Windows 10 pro
Valorant doesnt work on certain windows 10
You should reinstall ur windows
But I have been playing since 3 years now
I will do it later today
Yeah but it doesnt work on some windows 10 versions
If possible upgrade to windows 11
Let me check last time I rejected it
Now it wasnโt coming for me but let me check

Depends on pc
I have high end so its fine for me
But the wiredest thing is this account isnโt working on any of my friends pc but they do play VALORANT every day
Have you checked your email if your account is compromised or smthn?
Same here I am able play on my alt account but my main account just isnโt working
Iโm certain it isnโt
Ok I will try once I get home
I have done it but they keep asking me for logs even when I have provided it to them
Then try account recovery
Alr done and send in my ticket it has been 10 days and they arenโt able to help me sadly
All the logs
And I did
ask support to remove the van restrictions on ur account
Ok bro I will
and since reset to factory keys didn't work, I assume ur manufacturer didn't have proper default keys
to try again
clear secure boot keys first, then reset to factory again
maybe it will work?
I will try once I get home thanks
well keep trying ig
i got mine fixed that way