premier question
I have a player on my premier team that is no longer able to play. Am I able to replace him with somebody else?
I heard if he’s a bronze, I can replace him with a bronze or iron player.
Is this true?
7 Replies
@IxMcFrostyxI i think he have to be in the same league as you and about the same rank but i am not sure
What if he isn’t on a premier team?
Is that what you mean?
I dont really know how that work but you got rank in premier if i am not wrong and if you got a different you cant play together
premier has a different ranking system than competitive, you can add someone to your premier team mid-season as long as adding that player wouldn't cause your team to "rank up" or "derank" in terms of premier rank
you can kind of guess what competitive rank corresponds to premier rank but there's no way to know for certain
Bronze players play differently than plat players, so I can’t add a plat to bronzes lol but I can add bronze to bronzes?
probably yes but you won't know for sure until you try
premier uses mmr rather than rr, so a bronze who plays with the skill of a plat will be recognized as a plat by premier despite bronze in rank
it can work the other way aswell
That makes sense, yeah guess we will have to see