Site deployment failure
I am trying to deploy my site.
Most recently, I was offered as evidence that my efforts worked. I clicked on the link; “Not found” was the response. Clicking on gave a blank page.
A helpful person on Discord had me do something that prevented a browser timeout when clicking on I have created several failed test deployments which I can not remove because they are all the most current deployment.
My attempts to deploy started with, ventured into deploying a local repo, and finally via dragging a local directory into
Discord help mentioned something about a remnant of in my DNS configuration. I talked with GoDaddy; they didn’t see anything.
I have a free site. Could this be my problem? If it is, the failures I’m getting are not helpful.
16 Replies
looks like cloudflare is proxying traffic to your godaddy landing page
have you tried to setup pages on the domain?
Where do you see Cloudflare proxying traffic to anything GoDaddy?

site resolves to godaddy
headers indicate it has been through cloudflare

you need to point your dns records to a webserver
what do your dns records look like ?
GoDaddy was my original home for I called and GD could not see any GD. Please tell me how to 100% remove GD. (Except for the site-privacy thing which expires in late September.)
on your cloudflare dashboard navigate to dns
I did. How do I recognize GoDaddy?
there will be an A or AAAA record pointing to an ip address
if you just setup the domain and arent doing anything with it there probably shouldnt be any others
One DNS Type A record points to Cloudflare. The only other Type A is, which points to Amazon. Is that proper?
No AAAA types use the 4 numbers with dots between them format. I found one for Microsoft 365 (possibly for email)
you need to point them at your own webserver if you want to host your own content
however generally if u only wanna host static content then an alternative solution is probably better
I need to add
But with NS I seem to need Name and Content. Should I use as Name?
if you are in cloudflare
then your nameservers are already cloudflare
Tried to add bethany etc; rejected.
One type A is which points to Amazon. Is that proper?
if you dont have a webserver it shouldnt be pointing to anything
cloudflare pages should manage dns records for you if you want to host static content