Cant reply to riot ticket using hotmail
im trying to reply to a riot support ticket and i cant. I keep getting this message

25 Replies
I need urgent help

Also, please just use there website for tickets
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
the riot support website doesnt work for me
Can you show please :)

From this url?
no not from that
from the one they provided on the email
I'm confused. What are you trying to do?
i submitted a ticket from the website and when they responded i cant respond back
What is the url in this photo
Try and see if the "My Tickets" button works
this was the one

Are you logged in?
To the correct account?
i was recovering my account
so i had to be logged out
To see your ticket you have to be signed into that account
ive also tried signing in too
it doesnt show
this was when i was signed in
Do you have more then one account?
Try that account
i made a ticket for this account though
does riot allow all email types to be used?
cus im using hotmail rn
Yes email doesnt change the ticket
I dont think you were signed in
To any account
Please just ask them
you can only make a recover ticket if you are not signed in to any acount
Yeah, so you cant use the website then