VALORANT14mo ago

new to the game coming against very good people

hi so whenever i go in a game of unrated i get destroyed. and i get when its a skill issue but theres litteraly nothing i can do against them. i get DESTROYED im thinking about making a new account maybe that might help it ?
11 Replies
Geniux14mo ago
it wont help at all. unrated doesnt have a mmr system (soo no skill based matchmaking i guess). that means you as a new player can play against other new players that dont have a rank AND lvl 500 Radiants at the same time. that´s just how unrated / swiftplay / spike rush / ... work. if you do want to play against people with your skillrange, play until you´re lvl 20 and start playing ranked
zaxOP14mo ago
im at the bottom of the leaderboard everytime its so boring man theres no competition i just suck against these absolute gods
Geniux14mo ago
then.... train to be the god
JSN14mo ago
Just try to unlock comp, unrated is pretty random.
zaxOP14mo ago
im trying but im not leveling up because im litteraly losing every game this is so unenjoyable unrated i come up against people that are like level 300 200 man im a second away from uninstalling ;-;
Visor14mo ago
zaxOP14mo ago
Visor14mo ago
valorants the most tryhard game at the moment g every rank is in a division of itself u can just play till ur level 20 then start at the bottom and play little by little and get better if you dont have a good enough system id just delete valorant save yourself and your mental while u can
zaxOP14mo ago
i get 240 frames constantly i mean i could just grind it out till level 20 but i lose 3/5 matches bro
Eros14mo ago
u still gain exp even when u lose, tbh I'd just watch a few valorant tutorials and keep the info u learn in mind. just have fun and don't worry about being good before u even have ranked, also there's other gamemodes like escalation that are good for just killing people and u can win those and get exp too also complete the missions and u get tons of xp
zaxOP14mo ago
alr thank you so much

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