Riot Support (fastest way?)
Hello! Does anyone have any ideas on the fastest way to talk with Riot Support? I opened tickets on the web page, but they no answering. I waiting since 10th of January. I recovered back my account from a hacker, but he or she is used cheats on my account. I want to remove the ban.
18 Replies
I think discord modmail bot is only the fastest way to get reach out to the valorant support team
Where can i find this bot?
Oh, i found it.
I just write my problem to the bot, or what? How does this work?
the discord modmail is only for server related issues
Oh, nice. Okay. So can I only ask for help on the web page?
yes, the riot site only
+ no riot employees, just the server mods
I dont know.. They given back the account to me, and they arent removed the ban. XD
well if the account has been banned for cheating then you cant easily ask them to remove it
in case of a hacker that cheated - you wont get the account unbanned i think, as it is a permanent ban for
stop writing faster than me

This thing is happened it with me once, and they unbanned the account in 1-2 hour.
But i dont get any answer since Saturday.
just wait longer
they will answer eventually
Thanks, have a good eveningg.