Error VAN9005 (help me please)
Hello, I need your help. I've been trying to connect to Valorant for 2-3 days and I can't, can you help me please?

48 Replies
This is what it shows me
Please I need help
update your windows 

how ?
my PC is already update
check this

you can check your windows version in system > about > windows specs

if its below - you either update or install a newer version

i dont really speak french but i can see that something is out of date
yes i see that too
what does it say exactly?
oh end of service
The next Windows feature update, including reliability, performance, and security improvements, is ready.
There were issues installing some updates, but we'll try again later.
Feature Update to Windows 10, version 21H2 - Error 0xc1900223
is there no update button at all?
cuz your version stopped being supported in 2021 xD
no, I don't see any
why ?
microsoft just stopped
like it will with windows 10 in 2025
oh so I won't be able to play Valorant again?
i suggest looking up guides how to fix the error code you're getting
Any guides regarding the update?
just google 'windows Error 0xc1900223 fix'
okay thanks you
Do you still need help?
hello, I found a solution for my windows but my valorant still does not work
is it the same pop up?
download windows onto a usb and boot into it, youll lose all data but its the only way youll be able to get to the current version
what is pop up ?
Is this the only reliable way?
the table you got last time
with the error code
like this

is it the same?
sadly yeah at least i believe so, your windows version is just way too old
yep i think you just need to fully update your windows then
There is no other solution ?
Why not update windows?
I tried but it doesn't work
This doesnt work
I didn't really understand how to do it
Press the windows key
reset this pc
You may be able to keep all your personal files
It's the only solution ?
You have to update windows
Are you sure it will work if I reset it ?
Also, this error is normally from a custom windows image
If windows is reinstall, then you can update windows, then play valorant
ok I will try to reset it
there is no other solution ?
I watched videos to solve this problem but I couldn't figure it out
No, you need to fix windows update
I installed the update that I found on the internet
my windows is updated
I used this file