THREE.js BG 'cloud' animation directional lights setting
I've created a background rotating cloud animation, using this as a guide:
Just before the end of the instructions, there's a section for adding Lighting, which is where I'm having problems.
It gives these settings - keeping in mind that it's using a basic static html page setup and not react:
which I've translated to react like so:
But I see none of these colors in my animation (see attmt picture).
CRUDApps/signup/src/components/SignUp.js at main · nnall/CRUDApps
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Red Stapler
Create Cool Nebula Background Effect with Three.js - Red Stapler
So you’re looking for an idea to create a stunning background for your website? This tutorial is for you. We’ll show you how to create an animated Nebula background using JavaScript and Three.js. Let’s check....

2 Replies
Have you considered React Three Fiber?
No I haven't but I'm looking at it now. THank you