i cant refund ny skin
I never refunded before and i wanted to refund ny kuronami but its not there on the list
19 Replies
u have used and equipped the skin so u cant refund it
i never refunded before i thought that first time is like a free pass
there is. if you dont see any kuronami version in your buy history to refund (as shown in the pic), you can still open a ticket and ask them to refund it using the "one-time-exception" for your 

The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
someone told me just refunding the skin varient would refund everything is this true?
yes it is
r u sure
it wont just give me back my rp
pretty sure yes
Tried before with a guy and that didnt work

guys pls tell me
araxys is in my shop
what is the truth
Have you used your Kuronami in play before?
You can't refund used content
In-game content counts as used once it's taken into a game: that means you've reached the loading screen of a match in any mode (including custom games or practice) with that content equipped
ok thanks
update: i refunded kuronami and was gunna get araxys

but was 12 min late 😔
very fitting pfp btw <:2_PepeLaugh:617101842706464830>
keep the vp for nightmarket then, maybe you get lucky
you cant refund bundles
The only thing im getting is daydream crowbar 😔
I only bought vandal but i refunded it so im good now