help needed with my style
I just have no style and wear random clothes so I want to find my style pretty much but I don’t know where to start, could anyone help?
21 Replies
Read and start looking for pictures of outfits that appeal to you
Building A Basic Wardrobe v7.0
Version 7 of the classic MFA post
^^ and assess what you already have
Are there any photos for inspiration
Of the style you will achieve with the basic style guide?
To know if it appeals to me
Hmm take a look at wawyt in this server even tho I wouldn't call that basic style
And see what appeals to you
Yes, theres an album linked in the guide
Well basic waldrobe I mean
Oh I didn’t see that
if none of the pieces or fits in this style guide appeal to you (a totally normal reaction) id rec you look thru #waywt and #inspiration , save the things u like (even if u "cant see yourself wearing it"), and make a thread asking for brand recommendations based on those photos
Thank you
It's just a starting point, or a template. You don't have to follow it strictly. I doubt anyone does
My bad, didn't notice the album in the article!
Would they have specific style name linked to them?
All good
Do you know if there’s any styles directed towards teens
All of the photos I would see myself wearing in the future but not now
I guess I kinda want a streetwear look but not hard out streetwear, more casual
If that makes sense
Streetwear is p casual, got a pic of something u like?
I’ll try find one
Well, you have to figure out what you like. I think we have people there whose style fits that basic description.
I mean like some streetwear is too outgoing for me
Yeah I’ll follow that first then branch off from that
even stuff that's too "out there" can be helpful to u. pick the things u do like (the shape of the pants, shoes, textures, etc) and discard the rest
I wouldn't be scared of appearing too outgoing frankly tho wear what you're comfortable with
This is something I would consider as outgoing streetwear
what parts of this fit do u like & want to try replicating?
I'm going to take a small step here: what t shirts do you have and what jeans do you have? Do you like wearing those articles of clothing?
Not that those two are necessarily more important than others in the basic wardrobe guide but some categories are definitely more teen oriented than others in the guide