C#•12mo ago

Splitting a number into equal distances (COMPLEX)

Okay the picture looks a little complicated so im going to try and explain it I want to use HSL HSL hue has a max value of 360 I want to divide this 360 to segments In the code I chose 3 segments So the first three value would be 0, 120, 240 (360 / 3), (360 / 3 * 1), (360 / 3 * 2) Now I want to choose a 3 more colors the best next set of unique colors are 60, 180, 300 (the middle of segment a) (middle seg b) (middle seg c) now I want the next 3 unique colors 36 156 276 (the other side) The yellow values are the next unique color The purple is just a location value lets say you want to find the Hue value for Yellow2 (first value for the second segment) The purple value for it is 9 so its value is 9x12 (12 being 360/30 [where 30 is the amount of desired segments])
int segments = 30;
int degrees = 360;
int deg_per_line = degrees / segments;

var segmentation = 3;
double segmentDegrees = degrees / segmentation;

List<int> segmentList = new();


for (int i = 0; i < segmentation; i++)
var val = i / (double)segmentation;
segmentList.Add((int)Math.Ceiling(val * degrees));

// Loop until x is zero
for (int i = segments; i > 0; i -= segmentation)
for (int e = 0; e < segmentation; e++)
Console.Write(segmentList[e] + " ");

// Calculate the remaining lines and the next slice
int remaining_lines = i - segmentation;
int next_slice = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)remaining_lines / segmentation / 2.0);

if (remaining_lines % 2 == 0)
next_slice -= 1;
//The following code is not correct maybe, its kind of a hack I got by trying random things
else if (next_slice % 2 == 0)
next_slice = next_slice * 2 - 1;

// Accumulate the degrees for each slice
for (int j = 0; j < segmentation; j++)
segmentList[j] = (int)(deg_per_line * next_slice + j * segmentDegrees);


if (remaining_lines <= 0)
int segments = 30;
int degrees = 360;
int deg_per_line = degrees / segments;

var segmentation = 3;
double segmentDegrees = degrees / segmentation;

List<int> segmentList = new();


for (int i = 0; i < segmentation; i++)
var val = i / (double)segmentation;
segmentList.Add((int)Math.Ceiling(val * degrees));

// Loop until x is zero
for (int i = segments; i > 0; i -= segmentation)
for (int e = 0; e < segmentation; e++)
Console.Write(segmentList[e] + " ");

// Calculate the remaining lines and the next slice
int remaining_lines = i - segmentation;
int next_slice = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)remaining_lines / segmentation / 2.0);

if (remaining_lines % 2 == 0)
next_slice -= 1;
//The following code is not correct maybe, its kind of a hack I got by trying random things
else if (next_slice % 2 == 0)
next_slice = next_slice * 2 - 1;

// Accumulate the degrees for each slice
for (int j = 0; j < segmentation; j++)
segmentList[j] = (int)(deg_per_line * next_slice + j * segmentDegrees);


if (remaining_lines <= 0)
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22 Replies
~EdenOP•12mo ago
The code above prints
0 120 240
60 180 300
36 156 276
84 204 324
24 144 264
36 156 276
12 132 252
36 156 276
0 120 240
12 132 252
0 120 240
60 180 300
36 156 276
84 204 324
24 144 264
36 156 276
12 132 252
36 156 276
0 120 240
12 132 252
As you can see, the place where the value goes wrong is the second printed "36 156 276" which is i=5 Can anyone help me diagnose my code and make it work without my hack above? I am open to different approaches for this as long as the colors are as unique as they can be 🙂 this started as me just wanting to find the first 30 unique values but ended as a challenge I wanted to complete. It was so difficult to me that I decided to extend that challenge here 😛
~EdenOP•12mo ago
sorry for the bad pictures it looked fine when I did it on my pc 😮
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Keswiik•12mo ago
What's the purpose of doing this? You could achieve a similar result by dividing 360 / segments and then segmentSize * i. Your code also isn't properly formatted.
FestivalDelGelato•12mo ago
he tried
i don't know how it's not formatted, is it automatically escaped in some way?
~EdenOP•12mo ago
alright working on it now 🙂
~EdenOP•12mo ago
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~EdenOP•12mo ago
im adding numbrs now
~EdenOP•12mo ago
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~EdenOP•12mo ago
if (remaining_lines <= 0)
if (remaining_lines <= 0)
^ Testing if formatting works for me, it didnt yesterday for some reason how would you order the different segments though? I want to grab the next unique color thats my problem if I seperate the first segment 0 -> 120 where 0 has a point and 120 has a point The next most unique color is at 60 and in your output it say its 15 does that make sense? same, i am breaking my head over the ordering lol i feel like it has to do with the moudulus of the first value based on the row amount but i still havent fully wrapped my head around it
~EdenOP•12mo ago
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~EdenOP•12mo ago
it only works on this 12 list though i would sort the 4 groups based on the modulus take the first 0 then the first 1 then the first 2 then the first 3 and repeat for the remaining but I actually need the inverse of mod because im using the sorted list to get the values im not sure if that even works my brain is having a difficult time understanding LOL @my profile explains my gameplay in case the above somehow helps you? also changed your code a bit
var list = GetDegrees().OrderBy(t => t.Item2);
int index = 0;
foreach (var degree in list)
if (index != degree.Item2)

Console.Write(degree.Item1 + " ");
index = degree.Item2;

static List<(double, int)> GetDegrees(int segments = 3, int pointCount = 30)
List<(double, int)> list = new();

pointCount /= segments;
double segment = 360.0 / segments;
double d = segment / pointCount;

for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
double inc = i * d;
for (int j = 0; j < segments; j++)
list.Add((Math.Floor(segment * j + inc), i));

return list;
var list = GetDegrees().OrderBy(t => t.Item2);
int index = 0;
foreach (var degree in list)
if (index != degree.Item2)

Console.Write(degree.Item1 + " ");
index = degree.Item2;

static List<(double, int)> GetDegrees(int segments = 3, int pointCount = 30)
List<(double, int)> list = new();

pointCount /= segments;
double segment = 360.0 / segments;
double d = segment / pointCount;

for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
double inc = i * d;
for (int j = 0; j < segments; j++)
list.Add((Math.Floor(segment * j + inc), i));

return list;
now the segment count and point count are dynamic oh you figured out the order? that is the part im stuck on 🙂 can I see it? alright thank you for your time 🙂 any luck? 🙂 A This works really great! I have trouble modifiying it though I want to specify the amount of points I want to return
static double[] GetColors(int n = 3, int pointCount = 30)
int N = pointCount / n;

... your code here

double d = (360.0 / n) / N;
static double[] GetColors(int n = 3, int pointCount = 30)
int N = pointCount / n;

... your code here

double d = (360.0 / n) / N;
See my above example (linking it here) for how I changed the code so that the segment and point count are dynamic I might want only 20 points in which case your method returns extra colors which doesnt give the most unique colors for 20 points the part I think its messing up on is the Math.Pow but im having trouble understanding what its doing so I am not sure n should be the amount of c's
Console.WriteLine($"{c},{c + 120},{c + 240}");
Console.WriteLine($"{c},{c + 120},{c + 240}");
it would be better described as segments instead of n when I set n=2 in your code shouldnt I expect
? instead I get
same with n=1 i expect the result to be
instead of
not quite- when n=5 i expect 15 numbers 5 * 3c's meeaning 5 rows instead I get
i should be getting
does that make sense? what does your n mean? i might be misunderstanding how to use your n
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt•12mo ago
In my code, one component consists of 2^n segments. I am focusing on the left component only. - if n=0 there is only 1 segment: 0 - if n=1 there are 2 segments: 0 and 60 - if n=2 there are 4 segments: 0, 30, 60, 90 - if n=3 there are 8 segments: 0 + 120*i/8 where 0<=i<8. - etc
~EdenOP•12mo ago
this still fails at n=5 i should be seeing 5 rows
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt•12mo ago
foreach (var c in YourGetColors(5))
Console.WriteLine($"{c},{c + 120},{c + 240}");

static double[] YourGetColors(int n = 2)
int mine = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log2(n));
return MyGetColors(mine).Take(n).ToArray();

static double[] MyGetColors(int n = 2)
if (n < 0) throw new Exception("n must not be negative.");

int N = (int)Math.Pow(2, n);
double[] array = new double[N];
int i = 0;

array[i++] = 0;
if (n == 0) return array;

array[i] = 60;
if (n == 1) return array;

double d = 120.0 / N;

int rightDelta = (int)Math.Pow(2, n - 1);
array[i++] = d * rightDelta;

for (int s = 0; s <= n - 2; ++s)
int multiplier = (int)Math.Pow(2, n - 2 - s);
for (int t = 1; t <= (int)Math.Pow(2, s); ++t)
int left = (2 * t - 1) * multiplier;
int right = left + rightDelta;
array[i++] = d * left;
array[i++] = d * right;

return array;
foreach (var c in YourGetColors(5))
Console.WriteLine($"{c},{c + 120},{c + 240}");

static double[] YourGetColors(int n = 2)
int mine = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log2(n));
return MyGetColors(mine).Take(n).ToArray();

static double[] MyGetColors(int n = 2)
if (n < 0) throw new Exception("n must not be negative.");

int N = (int)Math.Pow(2, n);
double[] array = new double[N];
int i = 0;

array[i++] = 0;
if (n == 0) return array;

array[i] = 60;
if (n == 1) return array;

double d = 120.0 / N;

int rightDelta = (int)Math.Pow(2, n - 1);
array[i++] = d * rightDelta;

for (int s = 0; s <= n - 2; ++s)
int multiplier = (int)Math.Pow(2, n - 2 - s);
for (int t = 1; t <= (int)Math.Pow(2, s); ++t)
int left = (2 * t - 1) * multiplier;
int right = left + rightDelta;
array[i++] = d * left;
array[i++] = d * right;

return array;
I made typos in the previous code, I wanted to type Ceiling but I typed Floor.
~EdenOP•12mo ago
This is getting really close! I think theres a calculation mistake though If I put n=10 I expect 30 numbers 360/30 = 12 The numbers should start at 0 and all numbers should be a multiple of 12 but im seeing numbers like 67.5 This is close enough for me though, i greatly appriciate the help youve given me 🙂 At this point, having these numbers close enough to the real values is perfectly fine. Just wanted to make that clear
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt•12mo ago
Just focus on the left component, so when your n=10 then each segment must be 120/10=12 unit apart. But with this value, you no longer get evenly bisected segments. Your scenario (n): |---------------------------| |------------|--------------| |-------|----------|---------| My scenario (2^n): |---------------------------| |------------|--------------| |-----|------|-------|-------|
~EdenOP•12mo ago
i think its better to focus on the point count(amount of numbers) instead of categorizing it by segments my original code has it by segments which mislead you possibly I apologize!
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt•12mo ago
But it does not make sense to divide with your scenario. I will show the illustration.
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt•12mo ago
How do you divide evenly?
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~EdenOP•12mo ago
well in this case I would divide it by doing 0 24 48 72 96 120 1 4 2 5 3 6
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt•12mo ago
It is not symmetrical. In my scenario the number of dots always in the form of 1 + 2^n
~EdenOP•12mo ago
its not symmetrical, but I dont want it to be i want the most unique colors for all the points
int number = 10;
// Calculate the square root of the list count
var sqrt = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(number));

// Project each pair into a new pair with the second item as the sorting key
List<int> sortedList = Enumerable.Range(1, number)
.Select((x, index) =>
double newIndex = ((index % sqrt) * sqrt) + ((double)index / sqrt);
return (x, newIndex);
// Sort the list by the second item of each pair
.OrderBy(pair => pair.Item2)
// Extract only the first item from each pair
.Select(pair => pair.Item1)
// Convert to a list
int number = 10;
// Calculate the square root of the list count
var sqrt = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(number));

// Project each pair into a new pair with the second item as the sorting key
List<int> sortedList = Enumerable.Range(1, number)
.Select((x, index) =>
double newIndex = ((index % sqrt) * sqrt) + ((double)index / sqrt);
return (x, newIndex);
// Sort the list by the second item of each pair
.OrderBy(pair => pair.Item2)
// Extract only the first item from each pair
.Select(pair => pair.Item1)
// Convert to a list
Got a spiral sorter (ty chat gpt for the idea!) Now I just need to connect this to the number generator 😛 oh nevermind its not sorting by MOST unique when it goes to bigger numbers ughhh but its accurate with its numbers 😉
var list = GeneratePoints(30);
var sqrt = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(list.Count));

static List<int> GeneratePoints(int x)
List<int> points = [];

int increment = 360 / x;

// Loop from 0 to 360 with the increment
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += increment)

return points;

list = list.Select((x, index) =>
double newIndex = ((index % sqrt) * sqrt) + ((double)index / sqrt);
return (x, newIndex);
.OrderBy(pair => pair.Item2)
.Select(pair => pair.Item1)


static void PrintList(List<int> list)

foreach (var item in list)
Console.Write(item + " " + "\n");
var list = GeneratePoints(30);
var sqrt = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(list.Count));

static List<int> GeneratePoints(int x)
List<int> points = [];

int increment = 360 / x;

// Loop from 0 to 360 with the increment
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += increment)

return points;

list = list.Select((x, index) =>
double newIndex = ((index % sqrt) * sqrt) + ((double)index / sqrt);
return (x, newIndex);
.OrderBy(pair => pair.Item2)
.Select(pair => pair.Item1)


static void PrintList(List<int> list)

foreach (var item in list)
Console.Write(item + " " + "\n");

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