VALORANT14mo ago

resting or practicing

as a player in the middle of a training arc,when i feel “overheated” and start whiffing bullets or start to lose focus,would it be time to stop playing or keep pushing it?
7 Replies
samuOP14mo ago
meaning,its like feeling “tired” but just cant focus on my game
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi14mo ago
stop you wont improve if your mental isnt there the more tired you feel the less you would care/try you have to remember that practising isnt necessary, its just something you want to do if you feel like you dont want to do it anymore, just stop and rest
samuOP14mo ago
i do want to practice cause it helps my gamesense and mechanics improve but sometimes i miss easy bullets and some days im just a straight up machine question being,do i really need to play when im not hitting bullets to achieve a better consistency?
mythea14mo ago
crazy practicing won't help much, take ur time to rest and sleep
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi14mo ago
no its the same thing with real life are you going to keep practising if you feel very tired or unfocused? most likely no practising is good but there is always too much if you keep practising after losing your mental, you would only do harm
JSN14mo ago
If you're not having fun, don't do it. Improving only happens of you're engaged in what you're doing.
samuOP14mo ago
understandable tysm🫶

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