Cloudflare services help
Currently we have a SaaS that has about 650 domains pointed to an ip address which is then proxied to our server (cant really use a cname as alot of hosts don't support the flattening and are out of our control)
Does Cloudflare offer a service where we have our own ip which we can point domains to which then have control over what ip that actually ends up at?
1 Reply
is that what i would need to use
and on this would i have to declare every domain name in the hosts? or is that just so they get benefits of cloudflare?
for every domain i want to point to the ip do i have to add it to the custom hostnames section
or can i go in said domains registrar nd just point it to that ip and it work?
we do our own ssl through lets encrypt
as part of the saas
what about a load balancer?
would that work for this use case
we only need that specific product and it seems alot to commit to a enterprise plan for