29 Replies
Could you explain more?
Can you show a photo of it?
Whenever I launch Valorant it stay a little while on like loading it and then it crashes my pc and shows this error
If it was on my pc, yes but it crashes my pc
I see ok
And I tried this back a few months aswell and it didn't work
@OsWaynZz you online, I’m going to bed
And now I am trying it again I still see the same results
My advice is just to reinstall Vanguard
Yes I did that aswell like 2 times and also I even changed all game user settings to low and low res and then it shows a red screen then restarts pc
How did you uninstall it?
I unistalled it using control panel
and reinstalled it by opening valorant, restarting my pc.
You can try doing that and this
Open cmd as admin
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
now I need to reinstall vanguard then?
could it be that I do not have the latest c++ redistributable?
Maybe maybe not
It could be literally a couple billion different things
oh alright
Yeah, normally for this it’s normally just the system and not the actual software
If reinstalling does not help, I would do a memory test
How can I do that?
Im at school sadly <:Phoenix_Sad:891497548819337286>
Search for this

well for one it launched succssfully
thn gave one a van-92 error code
i looked everywhere and it is not a known error code?
i ran it as an admin
then it said loading and then gave van-92 error code
Did it restart your pc and run the test
i ran the memory test
and its normal
Yes, in my doc
what is the cause then?
Its a vanguard error, about failed to launch vanguard
Can you do this
win + r
find "vgc"
right click, properties
set to auto
restart pc
and retry
oh already did
yes it is a problem with vanguard
but i have vanguard running in the background too
also set to auto also unistalled and reinstalled it