Change email address

I created an account with my student email for personal use, but they've recently added some integration that makes me do a SSO-email-code thing every time I want to log in. When I went to change the email, I can no longer do so. Can my email change be grandfathered in, since I created the account before the SSO policy was added?
14 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Changing your email address on Cloudflare shouldn’t be affected by your email provider adding SSO or not
semaja212mo ago
If the school has setup SSO for their own tenancy this could cause issues for your account, I would raise a support ticket 🙂 @HardlyWorkin' Essentially on Enterprise plans you can enable SSO, when you enter [email protected] at the login form it will then toggle the sign in button to perform a SSO action instead The situation above is likely a unexpected conflict as generally a business would not have multiple accounts with that email domain, depending on the size of the business/school the user could also raise a ticket internally to see if SSO could be toggled off momentarily for them to regain access to their account
semaja212mo ago
Cloudflare dashboard SSO application · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
By adding a Dashboard SSO application to your Cloudflare Zero Trust account, you can enforce single sign-on (SSO) to the Cloudflare dashboard with the …
Hello, I’m Allie!
Oh huh, the school has an account that applies to the entire domain. Hadn't thought of that
semaja212mo ago
Its great when you do own the domain 🙂
No description
semaja212mo ago
Assuming the above is what @Nathaniel was talking about, its interesting since the domain wouldnt be allowed based on the SSO Domain Requirements from the above articel >Every user with that email domain must be an employee in your organization. For example, university domains such as are not allowed because they include student emails.
nathanielOP12mo ago
the change email address button is grayed out on my account, i don't see any other option to change it i'm not an administrator for this domain, i'm a student and i assume they changed something to integrate with cloudflare on the university-wide level
nathanielOP12mo ago
assuming the reason i can't change is this
Cyb3r-Jak312mo ago
The best step is to reach out to your university to see if they will allow you access to change the email or be able to add a different email to your account.
semaja212mo ago
@Nathaniel as indicated if your getting that "Log in with SSO" button at the cloudflare login after entering your email address, technically the university has breached the requirements This would be grounds to raise a support ticket with CF directly, but I would as suggested earlier, just reach out to the university IT team and see if they can assist first Side note.... dont use your university email for anything, always own the email address you use (eg. for future life, dont use your work email for things outside of work.... see that one too often with ex employees and facebook lol)
Hello, I’m Allie!
Unless you are using your university email for student discount 😉
Mas Bray
Mas Bray12mo ago
how can i change my email ?

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