Nextcloud and Mediaserver proxying

Hi, I'm looking for some information as to what product/service I need to not run afoul of TOS by proxying my Nextcloud and Jellyfin instance. I am perfectly happy to pay a reasonable amount, I just don't know what to pay for! I will not be caching any content on CF, and my upload speed is low such that even running at my full upload speed it would not exceed 300MB(bytes) per minute. I've looked at the Stream service and that doesn't quite seem to be the correct service to use. Any further guidance would be greatly appreciated!
10 Replies
Chaika•14mo ago
I would read this; Strictly speaking, the TOS doesn't care if you cache it or not, it boils down to: 1. Are you hosting the content on a CF Product (R2, Stream, Images)? If so, you're good
SymoOP•14mo ago
I did read that, however I wasn't really clear which product would be ok
Chaika•14mo ago
2. Otherwise,
Unless you are an Enterprise customer, Cloudflare offers specific Paid Services (e.g., the Developer Platform, Images, and Stream) that you must use in order to serve video and other large files via the CDN.
SymoOP•14mo ago
that thread also seemed to indicate that if you're not doing heaps of data you'd fly under the radar, but I don't really want to fly under the radar, I want to do it properly withinr eason
Chaika•14mo ago
Well the "proper" way would be to buy Enterprise (few thousand a month min) and you can proxy anything as per the enterprise contract (or use r2/images/stream to host the content). But as said there by a CF Employee, you'd get warned before just getting banned
SymoOP•14mo ago
I was hoping "Stream" for $5 a month was going to be the solution, but that more seems like you have to use a specific video player etc and it's for being like a self managed twitch alternative
Chaika•14mo ago
Yea, you'd have to use Stream to host the video and upload to it I get what you're saying, but CF has terms to protect itself and as Brandon said prevent you from making the next imgur/youtube on the free plan. CF used to have more automated prevention with videos and such where they'd automagically step in and stop videos from loading after some internal system, but there was issues with false flags and they started offering their own hosting products which it also hit (opps!), so they stopped that and as per that blog post it's all up to human intervention now. The TOS is prety clear on not being happy about you using the cdn for video or "disproportionate percentage of pictures, audio files, or other large files" without using Paid Services to do so, but CF would reach out to you first and any small service would most likely fall under the radar/not care about.
SymoOP•14mo ago
It kinda feels like there should be a paid plan that is specifically for this usecase, but idk if that would open other cans of worms that people would rather remain closed. I really do understand the need to stop someone making a giant platform, but it leaves the rest in a bit too much of a grey area either way, thanks for your help 🙂
Chaika•14mo ago
Yea it'd be nice if CF just let you pay for the bandwidth, but then they couldn't make a bunch of blog posts talking about how they don't charge for bandwidth /s and probably other concerns about accidental charges and such, plus probably wanting to push you to their own services
SymoOP•14mo ago
realistically, I don't even really need the CDN other than adding a bit more security to my server, because directly serving behind DNS only kinda feels like a bad idea would super rather not put my ipv4 address out there unless absolutely necessary

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