Agents to learn gamesense

I feel like my gamesense is lacking and I want to practice it. Can you recommend a character that specifically relies on gamesense?
2 Replies
riassimp14mo ago
Most controllers I would say rely on gamesense a lot. Astra is probably one of the most gamesense reliant agents in the game but honestly I wouldn’t suggest playing her until your higher Elo. For now I would suggest just playing brim, omen, or viper
me14mo ago
A support agent with limited utility can help. As they mentioned, Brim is good at helping you communicate with ur team because if you don't, you'll have no smokes pretty quickly. Also agents that help you find enemies (initiators or sentinels) can help you with timings. e.g. As Cypher you'll learn when enemies can be behind you. These timings are pretty consistent.

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