Anyone know how I can get in touch with an actual support employee?
I recently queued ranked, in which my Jett said the n word. I reported him, and said in all chat to "report jett for saying racial slur". A few minutes later, I was banned? I reached out to make a ticket, but a bot has responded to me twice. I believe this is a false ban and I want to reach out to actual support to have it resolved. (3 day ban from ranked and chat)
14 Replies
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
you mightve got false banned by ppl in the game troll mass reporting you
I think that is what happened. I went to that website to make a ticket twice, which is when the bot responded to me. It's name was Blitzcrank Bot
Not sure what you mean ss?
Oh, screenshot, I'm stupid

all g
well thats dumb
how longs the ban?
3 days from ranked and chat
not that bad
which is annoying cuz my friend is leaving for a month in 2 days
did you happen
get an alt
i could but I don't really wanna smurf. i guess thats my only option
not rlly smurfing
if ur friend is also the same rank as u
or close to