Network Problems with Riot

Why is my RTT so high and then goes so low? Ingame it felt like im shooting guys in the head, and then the server dosent count it.
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28 Replies
me14mo ago
There could be a problem with the network between your computer and Riot's servers. It's unlikely something that's within Riot's control, and very likely something between your internet service provider and your computer. For example, if you're using WiFi, there could be interference that causes latency every now and then. If you're wired all the way to your service provider modem, it could be something your ISP can help with.
If i write to Riot Games and show them the problem, could they talk with my ISP to fix it? My ISP calls me always its fine. They send a technican and so on. 🤔 the problem exist since ive started, because if i shoot i see on my screen that my shots headshotted the enemy, but the server dosent count it that was valorant for me for alot of years
me14mo ago
The problem isn't on Riot's end. You should start from ur PC and work towards ur ISP.
isn´t it? i though riot talk to the ISP for get the best route to their servers like in league of legends in Europe
me14mo ago
It kinda works the other way around. Riot's infrastructure uses ISPs that are very well connected. It's up to your ISP to improve their peering. But behind this, you gotta double check that nothing in ur house could be introducing that type of latency.
ive got a lan cable
me14mo ago
If everything from ur PC to your ISP's modem/ONT is wired, and as long as whatever gateway you're using isn't overloaded and causing issues, you should talk to your ISP. They should understand what you're talking about if you simply describe that you're seeing occasionally high ping in a Riot game. Some ISPs even try to get direct peering with Riot's network to improve things. But ur best bet is to work towards Riot instead of the other way around.
ive got spike ping times it isnt high all the time
me14mo ago
(As long as there's nothing going on in your house) this is definitely something ur ISP can help with. Unless they're horrible they'll try to help you diagnose what may be going on.
i dosent count in my ISP its called Vodafone in Germany i try it, but the last modem was scrap and weve bought our own modem the support wasnt the yellow of the egg
me14mo ago
RIP. Damn. A lot could be causing the issues. The crap thing is if your ISP doesn't care, it could be game over. Some ISPs don't care about stuff like latency.
and sometimes u get ppl on the phone, that dosent even understand what servercommunication looks like can u get me the direct IP for Riot Games Server=? frankfurt ir paris or
me14mo ago
Damn. Some ISPs actually care a tonne about this stuff. It's worth a call tho. Like who knows. I'm not sure, but if you do a packet dump while playing you'll figure it out. I'm pretty sure they don't allow pings, but you can at least measure latency towards hops close to whatever game server.
normally i had a ping from 17 - 23 because frankfurt server in germany is near me is Network RTT stable? normally? ive got spikes to 100 ms sometimes
me14mo ago
I'm not in EU, but it should be stable. Again, they're extremely well peered, so the latency will def be down to something between you and ur ISP.
is it possible to get the ping spikes coilected during the game?
me14mo ago
Not really. Best you can do is describe the type of traffic that's seeing lag spikes to your ISP, and see if they can explain it.
im not meaning the short graphs, i mean a detailed way to tell my ISP here went something wrong
me14mo ago
Riot's games servers don't allow you to run network diagnostics against them, as far as I know. They drop those packets 😦 The best you can do is try to measure latency to hops on the way there.
how shouldi talk to them the issue like yea i shoot and the ping getting higher and then drop down to normal =
me14mo ago
"I'm getting inconsistent ping when playing video games. Could you help me look into the issue. My ping to my router is consistent, but to the internet, sometimes it spikes." They should be able to at least ask questions that can help narrow things down. If it's a bad ISP, though, it could be tough to get help. If you have options, switching ISPs may be the play. But again, you'll want to triple check that nothing in your house could be causing problems.
im thinking about to swtich my lan cable xD but idk it couldnt be that cable
me14mo ago
if it's the cable, you should notice problems between your PC and router.
that means packet loss? i didnt have any loss
me14mo ago
cable's can't affect traffic to certain addresses, unless the NSA gave you the cable lmfao.
me14mo ago
"why's this cable have this box inside it? what are these lights?"
its RGB that should be 😄 everthing is sh!t without RGB 🤣

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