Multiple Issues
I accidentally left my pod on for 4 hours and drained money by accident can I have some credit possibly? Sorry It wont happen again
Also the http service is giving me constantly not ready when im trying to use Fooocus Templates? Are they bugged or something?
6 Replies
You can't get refunds if you leave your pod running. Also you need to wait for apps to sync to /workspace. The container logs say "please wait". Nothing is bugged.
welp that sucks
burned half my deposit on nothing
Waiting for syncing only takes max around 20 minutes or so, so I don't know what you are talking about unless you kept creating new pods, but then thats on you.

more critical errors
You should log a new post for each issue, you can't log a post called "Multiple issues" and then log everything there, it defeats the purpose of having a post for each issue.