How to fix this last question image?
Anyways to fix it?
HTML: <div class="question4">
<span>How can I get help if I'm stuck on a Frontend Mentor challenge?</span>
<img src="icon-plus.svg">
<img src="icon-minus.svg">
<div class="answer4">
<p>The best place to get help is inside Frontend Mentor's Discord community. There's a help
channel where you can ask questions and seek support from other community members.</p>
CSS: .question4 img{
3 Replies
What exactly is the fix you're going for?
Is it to make both images stay side by side like the rest?
I did this challenge and was puzzled how they made the last line fit in their reference and I was wrestling with it. I compared and realized their reference has fewer words in their last line. Otherwise you’ll need to make the card wider , or just use the same words as their reference.
Yeah, I was stuck on this problem too long, I will just wide it more. Thanks everyone!