How to straighten these rows?
I have cards with rows of data that may have variable length text. Right now, each div within a row, within a card, is independent from the other divs on the same row but in a different card. How do I make these grow to the tallest div in each row?
6 Replies
you can use subgrid
Ah, thanks! I haven't learned about subgrid yet but will look into it now.
If you havent seen it:
Kevin Powell
Subgrid & Container Queries change how we can create layouts 👈 Looking to get better at CSS? I’ve got a range of courses, including several free ones!
Container queries and subgrid are now both supported in all evergreen browsers, which is super exciting, and as a bonus, they can work really well together! ...
Thanks, I just watched it. Will probably need to watch it a couple of times to understand what's going on since now I I'm stuck overriding subgrid with a media query for mobile. Before I could just do the 1fr on the grid itself but that doesn't seem to be working now that there's a subgrid in my layout.
Subgrid uses the same grid as the parent so you’ll need to adjust the main grid in your media query and then adjust the grid-areas and how they span(how you arrange them on the main grid)