Domain transfer gives "Something went wrong..." error
I go through the transfer domain menu to transfer my domain from Google Domains to Cloudfire. I've tried twice now and verified all information, including the transfer key is correct. However, I get this error:
"Something went wrong...
An internal system error has occurred while trying to process the transaction. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the issue persists please contact support for assistance."

3 Replies
i can provide the exact domain name if needed, but ive confirmed its in "ok" status & cloudfire does recognize it as eligible to be transfered...
Problem with billing maybe. Oirignally I used paypal but I deleted it and added a credit card and it worked. WEird - cloudfire should update this message in the future
Had exactly the same issue, also from Google Domains and also using Paypal as the payment method
I'll try switching to credit card

it worked 🥳