RunPod14mo ago

/runsync/ getting this error - {"Error":"bad request: body: exceeded max body size of 10MiB"}

In my app, I need the user to upload photos of themselves. According to the docs here. The payload capacity for /runsync/ is 20MB https://docs.runpod.io/docs/serverless-endpoint-urls However, /runsync/ is replying that the max body size is 10 MB, whereas in the docs, it's actually 20 MB.
Endpoint URLs
These endpoints provide standard functionality for submitting jobs and retrieving the output from job requests. To use these endpoints, you will need to have your endpoint ID. The constructed URL will start with https://api.runpod.ai/v2/{endpoint_id} followed by one of the following:/run Used to sub...
1 Reply
ashleyk14mo ago
The error also happens if you have other issues with your payload. It is very unlikely that a single photo in the payload will be larger than 10MB in size. There is probably something else wrong with the payload.

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