hem or let em flow?

Picked up a pair of the Noah raw pleated jawns….and unfortunately like all raw jeans, they came with like a 35 inch inseam for whatever inexplicable reason. I have them double cuffed, and imo they look a little too “cuffy” but it’s also been years since I’ve had an actual pair of raw denim. So I can’t remember how much they’ll break in. They’re also the widest and loosest pair of jeans I’ve worn since the 00s so I might just be intimidated lol Idk if I should wait to see if these stack at all; they’re pretty wide and relaxed so I can’t imagine the leg would shorten too much with wear. What yall think? Sorry for the less than optimal pics, still don’t have a full mirror 😭
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7 Replies
braindrops14mo ago
Hard to judge with the cuff. Could you do an uncuffed pic?
SouvlakiPlaystationOP14mo ago
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SouvlakiPlaystationOP14mo ago
Pretty loose Although on me it looks unwearable In the pics it looks more like an acceptable wide leg fit Can’t really tell tbh
chopper14mo ago
you need to take photos from further away put your phone in a cup at waist height and the camera on self timer and stand a few metres away.
scorchedearth14mo ago
I say hem those jeans.
ler14mo ago
if they still feel huge double cuffed i would hem. i think stacked jeans really only works with slim and slim is kinda out as it is. but also agree the pics are hard to see
SouvlakiPlaystationOP14mo ago
Yeah I’m gonna hem em. And luckily they’re not chain stitched so they can go wherever for alterations. 👍

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