hello, I am currently using Zaraz to

hello, I am currently using Zaraz to replace GTM in order to help improve page speed score, when I first initially set up Zaraz about 7 months ago, most of the tracking tools I use: facebook pixel, bing ads, and some custom HTML tools etc... the problem I am running into is that they use to not show up on speed test, and now they are which are affecting speed scores. Any idea why?
4 Replies
Mackenly14mo ago
I think custom HTML will always show up in the client. It behaves much like GTM does by putting that HTML into the client code. As far as client network requests and client-side javascript that also explains why they are showing up because they are on the client as well.
BensTechLab14mo ago
@Le which speed test tool are you using? webpagetest.org? GTMetrix? Google Lighthouse? something else? They all have slightly different approaches to measurement but most now measure all requests until network traffic becomes idle for more than 30 seconds. That includes requests that happen after FCP/LCP/FID time. (a long time ago, I think more than 7 months, many tools stopped measuring after the page load event fired, ignoring requests after that event - the requests were still there - they just didn't measure them)
LeOP14mo ago
i use GTMetrix and aswell as Pagespeed Insight w/ Google Ligthhouse in browser sometimes. that is interesting, I am still very new at this but just trying to improve score on Pagespeed Insight, I know the tracking tags are definitely making it difficult and Pagespeed Insight scores often flutcuate as I learn today that they use Latern which throttles hence getting various results each time is it possible to have zaraz scripts defer or moved to bottom of the scripts so the neccessary js/css load first to help improve page speed score?
BensTechLab14mo ago
I suspect you are misunderstanding the causes of your page speed and you have something else going on with your website. I have no special zaraz customizations and have a 100/100/100/100 lighthouse score on desktop and a near perfect score in GTMetrix. There is a lot of factors to get there and so it is like 20 things to optimize of which Zaraz is only 1 thing which generally improves your situation. You can inspect your page load waterfall in either gtmetrix or webpagetest.org to see how many requests you have, in what order the requests are made and which ones are blocking or parallelized. The Zaraz script may load early-ish, but the zaraz tools generally fire after page load (but maybe you page load is slow vs mine and so maybe you don't see the same).

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