Custom Domain (Error 522 and Domain Inactive)

My sites and both say Error 522 and are both cnamed to which works, I think the issue is the same as []. Any way to fix it?
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19 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak314mo ago
Do you have them set as custom domains under the pages project?
KristianOP14mo ago
Chaika14mo ago
I don't think it's the same thing, I don't see any bans/blocks on your domain. at least as far as I can see. Could you try removing and readding them? You didn't manually create the CNAMEs, right?
KristianOP14mo ago
I tried deleting them And no I didn’t manually create them
Chaika14mo ago
As of right now, you have two added, www and apex? Screenshot would be helpful, can escalate if I don't see anything obvious
KristianOP14mo ago
no apex?
Chaika14mo ago
you don't have the apex ( added?
KristianOP14mo ago
oh thats what apex means (i usually call it root) then yes.
KristianOP14mo ago
No description
KristianOP14mo ago
No description
Chaika14mo ago
ah yea sorry they mean the same thing you need to add the apex there as well It might still error like the www but it's worth testing first.
KristianOP14mo ago
i cant its added there i mean but it wont show if i try to add it again it says its already added thats why there is a record its added its just not showing there
Chaika14mo ago
ahh ok I get you, it's bugged out like that before. What's the exact error you get when trying to add it?
KristianOP14mo ago
You have already added this custom domain. Select another custom domain or check your project configuration. (Code: 8000018)
Sean - Support
Sean - Support14mo ago
taking a look
KristianOP14mo ago
Sean - Support
Sean - Support14mo ago
I do see some evidence of internal issue that likely prevented the deployment. However, it does appear to be cleared now. Could you try issuing a delete on the two hostnames: wait a few minutes and then try re-adding them? @ninjagokristian
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KristianOP14mo ago
www. doesnt work now but the root one does
Sean - Support
Sean - Support14mo ago
looks like it just went through a minute ago, works fine on my end try an incognito window? But you will still need to delete the root one and redeploy if you want it to appear in your dashboard. Otherwise i have to raise an escalation with pages team for us to manually remove it so you can redeploy it to your dashboard (since it is active on our system, just not on your dashboard)

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