C#6mo ago

How does option work in .net core

I have the below class here the contentfulclient base has a class called ContentfulClientBase which has a property called as contentfuloption with some property. I want to assign the value to one of the property. I have my own contentfuloption class which has some of the properties of ContentfulClientBase class contentfuloption. I want to pass my model value to contentfulclientbase class. But I don't know how to achieve it. When I use _options = options.Value; I get an error states type to type conversion is not possible. Basically I want my baseclass property should get my value which I provide. public class ContentfulManagementService : ContentfulClientBase, IContentfulManagementService { private readonly ILogger<ContentfulManagementService> _logger; private readonly Models.ContentfulOptions _contentfulOptions; public ContentfulManagementService( HttpClient httpClient, ILogger<ContentfulManagementService> logger, IOptions<Models.ContentfulOptions> options) { _httpClient = httpClient; _logger = logger; _contentfulOptions = options.Value; } }
54 Replies
Gramore6mo ago
Can you post the specific error? That looks reasonable to me. Just as a nit (more of a style thing) if you just want the options to go to your base class, maybe the base class should have a ctor that takes the options and then you can pass to base in your inheriting class. i.e.
public abstract class ContentfulClientBase
// nit: if these are just for the client maybe ContentfulClientOptions
private readonly ContentfulOptions _options;

public ContentfulClientBase(ContentfulOptions options)
_options = options

public class ContentfulManagementService : ContentfulClientBase
public ContentfulManagementService(ContentfulOptions options)
//other ctor stuff
public abstract class ContentfulClientBase
// nit: if these are just for the client maybe ContentfulClientOptions
private readonly ContentfulOptions _options;

public ContentfulClientBase(ContentfulOptions options)
_options = options

public class ContentfulManagementService : ContentfulClientBase
public ContentfulManagementService(ContentfulOptions options)
//other ctor stuff
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MODiX6mo ago
"My": {
"Foo": {
"Kix": 5
"My": {
"Foo": {
"Kix": 5
public class FooOptions
public const string SectionName = "My:Foo";

public string Bar {get;set;} = "default value for bar";
public int Kix {get;set;} = -1;
public DateTime? Pouet {get;set;} = default;
public class FooOptions
public const string SectionName = "My:Foo";

public string Bar {get;set;} = "default value for bar";
public int Kix {get;set;} = -1;
public DateTime? Pouet {get;set;} = default;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; // <==== recommanded for service.Add so that you don't clutter Startup file

public class FooServiceCollectionExtensions
public static IServiceCollection AddFoo(this IServiceCollection services) =>
.Validate(options => options.Kix >= 0, $"The configuration key '{FooOptions.SectionName}:{nameof(Kix)}' cannot be negative")

public static IServiceCollection AddFoo(this IServiceCollection services, Action<FooOptions> configure) =>
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; // <==== recommanded for service.Add so that you don't clutter Startup file

public class FooServiceCollectionExtensions
public static IServiceCollection AddFoo(this IServiceCollection services) =>
.Validate(options => options.Kix >= 0, $"The configuration key '{FooOptions.SectionName}:{nameof(Kix)}' cannot be negative")

public static IServiceCollection AddFoo(this IServiceCollection services, Action<FooOptions> configure) =>
Program.cs / Startup.cs:
// or
services.AddFoo(fooOptions => fooOptions.Kix = 12);
// or
services.AddFoo(fooOptions => fooOptions.Kix = 12);
public class Bar
private readonly FooOptions _fooOptions;

// .Value in ctor is fine only if it's always ever a non-changing value (no reload and/or no scoped resolution)
public Bar(IOptions<FooOptions> fooOptions)
=> _fooOptions = fooOptions.Value;
public class Bar
private readonly FooOptions _fooOptions;

// .Value in ctor is fine only if it's always ever a non-changing value (no reload and/or no scoped resolution)
public Bar(IOptions<FooOptions> fooOptions)
=> _fooOptions = fooOptions.Value;
Gramore6mo ago
Oh ya doi
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Unknown User6mo ago
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Gramore6mo ago
Tbh i hate using IOptions unless i need the hot reload Just bind and raw dog it
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Gramore6mo ago
nuget / unit tests? How does IOptions help there compared to just the pattern?
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Gramore6mo ago
Lol i mean, injecting MyOptions vs IOptions<MyOptions>
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Gramore6mo ago
I mena you have to bind either way so really it's just more code to .value
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Gramore6mo ago
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Gramore6mo ago
preference anywho
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Gramore6mo ago
.Value just makes me sad when it adds no value 😛
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Gramore6mo ago
But also re: the OP question didn't his original look right? (tho that command is 👌)
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Gramore6mo ago
ah i get u
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Gramore6mo ago
depends if it's for the client only or not oh as in ctor ye ye tru
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Gramore6mo ago
private if it's client specific (as OP said)
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Gramore6mo ago
anyway methinks that this whole thing smells like it wants to be using the IHttpClientFactory stuff oh cool discord does diffs how do
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Gramore6mo ago
mad ty
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Gramore6mo ago
❤️ markdown
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Gramore6mo ago
oh ye it's pain
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Gramore6mo ago
yeah i noticed that sadge
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Gramore6mo ago
the pattern isn't right
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Gramore6mo ago
this'd be the more correct usage
public class ContentfulClient
// nit: if these are just for the client maybe ContentfulClientOptions
private readonly ContentfulOptions _options;
private HttpClient _client;

public ContentfulClientBase(HttpClient client, ContentfulOptions options)
_client = client;
_options = options;

public class ContentfulManagementService
private ContentfulClient _client;

public ContentfulManagementService(ContentfulClient client)
_client = client
public class ContentfulClient
// nit: if these are just for the client maybe ContentfulClientOptions
private readonly ContentfulOptions _options;
private HttpClient _client;

public ContentfulClientBase(HttpClient client, ContentfulOptions options)
_client = client;
_options = options;

public class ContentfulManagementService
private ContentfulClient _client;

public ContentfulManagementService(ContentfulClient client)
_client = client
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Gramore6mo ago
note the service getting the HTTP client in OP's example too
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Gramore6mo ago
ye ye but like usually client is for wrapping the calls + serilization/deserilization and then the service handles business logic and orchestration
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Gramore6mo ago
Ye for sure
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Gramore6mo ago
Ye 🙂
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Gramore6mo ago
I've seen that pattern in a few places and it makes me sadcat
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Gramore6mo ago
true and real but c# is a wonderful language that lets you do all kinds of interesting things