about cname record and a record limits
is there any limits on how many cname or a record I can make in cloudflare for same server address.
17 Replies
domain bought for cloudflare
You have 1000 DNS records on free plan. You can have as many CNAMEs as you want that share the same target. They just can’t share the same name
so here IPv4 will be same. like I have one ip I want to create 50k A record point to same ip with different Name. will this be paid or is possible with free plan

That’s going to need enterprise and honestly don’t know how feasible it would be. The max Cloudflare allows is 5000 on paid plans. You should think about your design if you need 50k DNS records….
Can you not use a wildcard?
Also note that wildcard subdomains are a thing
lemme search what's that
Wildcard DNS records · Cloudflare DNS docs
Normal DNS records map a domain name to one or multiple IP addresses or other associated resources to a specific domain name (a one-to-many mapping).

so my cname records will still work if I use the wildcard beside right? I use cname for email and 20 other things
Yea if you do * you can still create specific subdomains as well (ex API -> someotherip) and the wildcard will only do anything for subdomains that don't have records created
let's say I have this. then I have 20 C NAME record. that 20 cname will also work or thoese also will go in this ip

what about having a wildcard + adding 3,4 custom a record that's supported?
you mean 20 cnames on other hostnames/names?
Wildcard records are used as the response for all subdomains that are not specifically covered by another DNS record.
so like I can have all my subdomain point to an ip with wildcard. but what if I need some subdomain to do other thing like email.domain.com static.domain.com will they work or setting up a wildcard meaning all sub domain go to that ip
that's the important bit about wildcards
I see