SSL for saas - Certificate validation _acme-challenge TXT value keeps changing - custom hostname

What is the domain name? custom domain:_cny2024_tm_com_my cf zone: tmcny2024_com note: replaced dot with underscore for domains cause community did not allow posting more than 4 “links” Have you searched for an answer? yes: found this article that led to adding CAA record with value: pki_goog However, problem still persists, and new value for TXT _acme-challenge_cny2024_tm_com_my is refreshed with a different value. Please share your search results url: community_cloudflare_com/t/after-setting-custom-hostnames-and-the-client-sets-the-certificate-validation-txt-value-in-dns-the-certificate-validation-txt-value-is-changed/502021/15 When you tested your domain, what were the results? CAA record for tm_com_my includes pki_goog TXT record for _cf-custom-hostname_cny2024_tm_com_my is correct and accepted TXT record for _acme-challenge_cny2024_tm_com_my is per previous value (the value provided by SSL for SAAS has changed up to 4 times now. Describe the issue you are having: certificate validation _acme-challenge TXT record value keeps changing. What error message or number are you receiving? “Pending validation” What steps have you taken to resolve the issue? added TXT _cf-custom-hostname_cny2024_tm_com_my successfully added TXT _acme-challenge_cny2024_tm_com_my successfully added CAA value pki_goog to tm_com_my successfully Was the site working with SSL prior to adding it to Cloudflare? N/A What are the steps to reproduce the error: created custom hostname first in the custom hostname dashboard added TXT validation records added CAA record Have you tried from another browser and/or incognito mode? N/A Please attach a screenshot of the error:
8 Replies
thewilfyOP14mo ago
Also... i've just noticed, that this is the Cloudflare Developer discord... unsure how I ended up here, was digging through the CF support path and it led me to try joining the community discord here when i was looking up this specific problem 😄
Chaika14mo ago
It looks like it issued today if I'm looking at the right one. You can use DCV Delegation btw so you don't need to manually create the TXT Records, its under Custom Hostnames You weren't clicking "Refresh", right? It would change the value everytime
thewilfyOP14mo ago
Yeah, it was issued after we setup Delegated DCV. We did click on "Refresh", however unsure if that was the cause, because we were also considering that as one of the problems. However we were very very sure, that we observed the amce-challenge value change EVEN when we didn't click on refresh during one of our multiple challenge name record updates. Well, all is good now, since switching over to Delegated DCV. As a further clarification, we didn't see the need for using Delegated DCV for future certification updates, due to the fact that we only required this custom hostname proxy for the next 1.5 months of the campaign period. and the project would be completed.
Chaika14mo ago
Refresh restarts the entire challenge process, plus you were missing caa record for a bit right? Could have been you just exceeded the rate limiting/checking until eventually it expired and via delegated dcv it just succeeded
Chaika14mo ago
Well for the future, def worth checking CAA records first. Either have none configured, or for CF for SaaS you need let's encrypt and gts/google. Keep in mind too it'll recursively check all the way down. It'll check cny2024, then tm, then com, then my. Some weird TLDs actually do configure them which is annoying. Delegated DCV is worth doing if you can as well, let it do its thing and retry
Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA)
CAA is a type of DNS record that allows site owners to specify which Certificate Authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue certificates containing their domain names. It was first standardized in 2013, and the version we use today was standardized in 2019 by RFC 8659 and RFC 8657. By default, every public CA is allowed to issue certificates for any...
thewilfyOP14mo ago
yeah could have... but lack of feedback/error or something more verbose about the validation process within CF dashboard left us a bit confused. yeah we realised that early on after the 1st round of failed validation, so it was added in, however still didn't resolve the repeated failed validation issue.
Chaika14mo ago
Yea there's SSL for Saas Custom Hostnames Alert under SSL/TLS Product in the Notifications tab which will spam the heck out of you but inform you of every step along the way, way overkill though would be nice to have the dashboard just better tell you / do some prevalidation of itself, maybe one day
thewilfyOP14mo ago
yeah I see how that can become annoying... 😄 but a link to some log to troubleshoot effectively would have been nice. Regardless, alls good in cloudflare land right now.

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