about ddos protection in k8s using cloudflare
hey my vps provider don't have ddos protection and I will be having my k8s cluster in there. master nodes + workers nodes in seperate servers. I am worried about ddos protection is there any product in cloudflare that sovles this problem ? specificly for k8s or there is only the option to add webstie and throw my server ip in there also about caching if cloudflare ddros protection works what about caching k8s cluster is servring node js api only so my get req data will be cached? I need up to date not cached. expert please enlighten me
3 Replies
Cloudflare's normal proxy is http only. Cloudflare offers Spectrum, but you'd need Enterprise Spectrum for arbitrary ports/tcp/udp inbound. Cloudflare also offers Magic Transit for whole network protection, Enterprise only though
Http caching is optional and won't cache APIs by default assuming they return application/json and such. Default caching options are here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cache/concepts/default-cache-behavior/, but can be overriden by page rules/cache rules
is there any pricing for enterprise or it depends need to contact cf is it ?
It depends yea, on what features you want, bandwidth, etc. You'd have to reach out to sales. I wouldn't expect less then a few thousand usd a month though