Need Advice Regarding JavaScript

So I've been wanting to starting learning JavaScript I just wanted to ask if there's any tips anyone can give me and what websites/videos you'd recommend me going to so I can start learning JavaScript
14 Replies
ullaskunder14mo ago
@hrphyn this will help you a lot beacuse they show how js actually workd under the hood
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clevermissfox14mo ago
I was struggling on tutorials and 24hr YouTube courses for a month before I found the scrimba course. The course is great yes but the main advantage was being able to code along conveniently. So whatever you choose, make sure you’re not just watching and taking notes; get the keys clacking! Even if you think you understand/grasp a concept I’ve found when it’s time to actually write the code it’s kind of hard to translate from memory at first. Esp with strict syntax where you miss one parentheses or comma and it’s broken everything
Learn JavaScript for free - 9-hour interactive tutorial
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ullaskunder14mo ago
and yaa have a look a it 😅
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RMONOP14mo ago
I appreciate the help from all of you, this is exactly what I needed when I first started learning HTML & CSS the mistake I made was just following along and taking notes rather then coding so when I sat down to code I got lost.
dys 🐙
dys 🐙14mo ago
If you get the chance to get in on a pair programming call, having real-time live feedback on what's being written can be really helpful. The Code With Friends Discord has sessions from time to time.
RMONOP14mo ago
I'll check it out I appreciate it!
Takyon_is_Online14mo ago
I think I struggle with taking too much notes. Any tips to limit notes? I just think there are information that I didn't know or the instructor worded something better than I ever could because I am such a beginner.
Queequeg14mo ago
Taking notes isn't bad - it is just not the best way to learn to code (arguably to learn any skill). If you find notes do help you, after the lecture/video/session, summarize what you have learned from memory in your notes. This will help the info stick and provide an easy place to look for future reference if you ever end up referencing your notes.
Takyon_is_Online14mo ago
Ok thanks for helping me look at it that way. Also I find with code it isn't easy to formulate into sentences
RMONOP14mo ago
What do you recommend doing for a beginner? I like making stuff and after doing it a few times it sticks with me but in this case where I barely know any JS what could I create?
clevermissfox14mo ago
Try the scrimba course you’ll make a couple projects and they walk you through it while teaching you how For me it helps me NOT to take notes along with the course etc , if I do I’m pausing every thirty seconds. Instead I’ll watch a module or a chunk and then pause it and summarize the actual important part instead of writing down everything they say. I found this limits my notes and keeps it concise to the actual important points instead.
RMONOP14mo ago
Honestly that's true I dislike having to pause so many times just to write notes that I'd probably forget by the next day I like actually doing the thing so it becomes muscle memory and sticks with me
clevermissfox14mo ago
I didn’t even see this answer before I wrote it but yes exactly. Summary helps it stick and helps identify the important bits That’s what’s great about scrimps it’s easy to code along in the browser on their platform , there’s a console and file folder and you can save notes and come back to them too Scrimba *

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