Curious Coverage Question

I'm curious. What % coverage do you look on before you consider something to be production ready?
4 Replies
b1mind14mo ago
If you can you base it off your traffic, check the % of versions. Also lots of stuff after 2020 can be adapted faster cause updates are not OS locked. You also have to look at what you can use for progressive enhancement, is it a declaration that will enhance the users with support but not really effect those without. ( This can be done with some @supports or just using the new features with a reasonable fallbsck)
clevermissfox14mo ago
Depends what the property is. Is it a progressive enhancement like animating gradient ? I’ll use it in an @supports so that whoever it’s available to gets it whenever it’s ready. If it’s something more important like layout related , mostly I’m waiting until WebKit, Blink, and Gecko support. Like for example the :has selector which I adore. It wasn’t supported in firefox until recently so rather than use has and include a fallback selector to double the work, I just waited on the :has selector and used :is to get the forgiving selector behaviour . And depends who is going to see the project. If it’s just a fun demo for me and the property works in the browser I’m viewing it in, then I’ll use it. So just like most things in css , the answer is “it depends” 🤣 What does that mean , that after 2020 updates are not OS locked? What happened in 2020 that changed ?
Lord_TCG#9068OP14mo ago
Wow that's very thorough! Thanks you two! It wasn't any one thing, just a general question as I'm learning as I go. Liked the feel of container query (and units) more than media queries. Am not familiar with the @supports so that's something new to learn!
b1mind14mo ago
Nothing changed, you just have browser version locked behind OS updates. Both Safari and Android. Like flex gap is one... But yea people love flex so much they just ignore that and use it everywhere 😂 ... Best of you can check metrics and know what browser versions are visiting regularly.

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