C#14mo ago

Cleaning out Maui Template

If I'm ONLY doing Blazor and no "native" Maui controls, what can I safely delete from the Maui Blazor template? Seems like there might be quite a bit of code/files that aren't needed if I'm specifically only doing Blazor in the Maui Wrapper.
2 Replies
aquaritek14mo ago
From my understanding the Maui Blazor template is pretty thin already. Only including resources to essentially make the WebView2 component operational across each supported environment. Maui is a bit of a different beast if your coming from the Web Arena there are a lot of dependencies that are platform specific that need to remain in tact to have an operational or host environment for Blazor within each platform. While there might be some dependencies that could be removed I wouldn't personally do that because of the complexities of the ecosystem.
AndyBOP14mo ago
Ok, thank you for your answer!

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