For larger databases, Hyperdrive is

For larger databases, Hyperdrive is probably going to be a better fit:
9 Replies
robert.zaremba14mo ago
OK, I think I don't need hyperdrive. But I don't want to be limited with 2GB. Are there any other limitations of d1 (like cpu / max load etc...)? Does it scale automatically?
Victor14mo ago
Full scale automatically
Beyond that, we wanted to ensure D1 took the best parts of serverless pricing — scale-to-zero and pay-for-what-you-use — so that you’re not trying to figure out how many CPUs and/or how much memory you need for your workload
The Cloudflare Blog
D1: We turned it up to 11
We've been heads down iterating on D1, and we've just shipped a major new version that's substantially faster, more reliable, and introduces Time Travel: the ability to restore a D1 database to any point in time.
Vy14mo ago
We're working towards increasing the database size limit to 10GB
sty14mo ago
@Vy need this. will switch from turso to d1
Vy14mo ago
@stylustrader what database size would you need?
sty14mo ago
@Vy Actually I just opted to get a vps for sqlite storage. Thanks tho
Vignesh Aithal
Vignesh Aithal14mo ago
Hi, but here it says infinitely scalable I want to store 40GB DB is it possible in D1?
Build a natively serverless SQL database with Cloudflare D1 | Cloud...
Create a natively serverless SQL database in seconds with D1. With a familiar query language, point-in-time recovery, and cost-effective pricing you are empowered to build the next big thing.
Vy14mo ago
40GB is not possible in a single database at the moment. For GA, we're aiming for 10GB databases. D1 is designed with a horizontal scaleout model. We will be evaluating larger, verticlally scaled solutions later this year
Vignesh Aithal
Vignesh Aithal14mo ago
Ok, I love Cloudflare so, I wanted to migrate to it. I use R2, Pages, Workers, DNS, so I wanted to have Full-Stack on Cloudflare. 😢 😭 @Vy In GA will D1 does horizontal scaling automatically? Because I am currently using Postgresql, but want a serverless DB so can I use D1 hoping that it will do autoscaling horizontally?

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