forgot Root/Sudo password

Hi, I thought it knew my root password clearly not... Is there a way to set it without having to re install the ISO?
12 Replies
Noel14mo ago
Universal Blue
Reset Your Forgotten Password
NOTE FOR BAZZITE STEAM DECK, HTPC, & Handheld PC USERS: These specific images hide GRUB by default, so you will have to enter: ujust unhide-grub In the terminal before attempting to follow this documentation. Follow this guide at your own discretion because you can break your system attempting any of this. [Edit the command for the latest...
Rhan121OP14mo ago
I think I need a keyboard plugged in for this right? Or is this on konsol? Because I only have Bluetooth wireless keyboard not a wired one I'm thinking I might just re install iso on it again but but when I get to the username bit in set up do you know if it can be done by Bluetooth? Because first time I just clicked a button that was mapped so it was just set to 'dddd' to enter anything in
Noel14mo ago
You will need a keyboard plugged in. The instructions in the guide should be clear that you need to pull up the grub menu to complete any of this. If you are on a steamdeck, you will also need to unhide grub
Rhan121OP14mo ago
Yeah I don't have one annoying so I probably can't do this but thanks for the help anyway I have the OS stalled on an Ayaneo
oh how is that working out actually?
Rhan121OP14mo ago
It nice I've not had any problems feels like steam OS I'm in 2 minds is it worth re install the OS so the root password will be re set
Honestly if you do this, don't even bother with a root password. A user password is enough
Rhan121OP14mo ago
See the only reason why I attempted to login with a root password is so I could change my username. Because on setup I didn't have have keyboard so I just used the button that was mapped for 1 letter. So my Username was just 'dddd'
Anyone know how to add the initgrub command to reset su password as I've forgot mine
Reset Forgotten User Password - Bazzite Documentation
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld.
Had to do a full reinstall problem solved now as that way did not fully work for me

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