configure R2 onto public domain without using cloudflare for DNS

i want to configure R2 onto a public domain without having to use cloudflare as a DNS provider. is there anyway todo this ?
5 Replies
Chaika14mo ago
Simply put, no. Not at all via R2 Custom Domains You could use a Worker with an R2 Binding, and CF for SaaS with the Worker (, as long as you had some domain in Cloudflare that you could use, and then you'd add the subdomain of the real domain you want to use as a Custom Hostname. Downsides being it'd have to be a subdomain or using a DNS Provider which supports ANAMEs/CNAMEs on apex, and you'd be paying a Worker invocation for each request regardless of cache status Alternatively you could add the site using a CNAME setup if you bought Business Plan for it. Depending on what you're trying to do, it may be easiest to just buy a second domain to use as your cdn domain and hook up with the bucket, if you're only using it for assets/downloads
Clearly not B
Clearly not BOP14mo ago
mmh i see, with the r2 sub domain, does the host name of the incoming request matter? i.e. could i set the cname for a sub domain to the r2 sub domain ?
Chaika14mo ago
Yes that won't work, the Custom Domain list is basically an allowlist of hostnames, needs to be on there
Clearly not B
Clearly not BOP14mo ago
and can i point a cname at a domain that is at cloudflare? i.e. i would use a burner domain to setup the R2 connection, and then point my real sub domain with a cname ot the burner one ?
Chaika14mo ago
No that wouldn't work, that's why CF for SaaS exists. But it doesn't interop with R2 Custom Domains, you could use a "burner" domain, CF for SaaS and a Worker bound to the bucket as I described above

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