mfad14mo ago

Anyone here tried/shops at 'Under510' - an online US store for short guys?

I'm UK based so I dont know if I can be bothered to deal overseas tax/shipping/custom duties, let alone long returns/shipping etc etc. But it's a store I have come across and am maybe considering. Happy to get things hemmed if I buy from the UK, but also 'under510' is a nice option if it's decent. Anyone shopped there before? What's the quality/material like? Worth the price?
2 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Nearly all of these shops/brands sell overpriced clothes. They also all seem to have questionable at best marketing but that's a whole other subject. You can nearly always get better stuff and tailor it for a similar or better price. This shop specifically looks to have horrid materials for a lot of stuff and the cuts look pretty bad even on the model shots.
J14mo ago
dude yeah i’m your same height and my best advice is to buy pants that fit you at the waist and get hemmed (in my area pants hemming is about $10-15.) super worth it because then i can stick to solid brands that i like for pants (levi’s, wrangler, carhartt, Dockers etc nothing crazy.) Same with shirts, as long as it fits you perfect in the chest, you can get shirts and sleeves shortened for a cheap price. i personally wouldn’t go for brands aimed at shorter guys because they don’t make clothes that are my style but that’s just my onion 🙂

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