CSS grid item not spanning across my browser

Hello, I defined in my grid container that I wanted 5 explicit columns each of them are sized 1fr. When I tried to span my image across the browser by putting grid-column: 1 / 5; It does span the entirety of the browser and all my other grid items are pushed against. Can someone help me with this? https://codepen.io/davesamuels1998/pen/OJqgOOR
10 Replies
Mannixβ€’14mo ago
it should be 6 or you can do -1 πŸ™‚
MarkBootsβ€’14mo ago
grid-column works with the grid-line count (start/end). if you have 5 columns, you have 6 lines | col | col | col | col | col | <= count the |s so, in your case it would be grid-column: 1/6 or you can use the negative count to start from the back grid-column: 1/-1
Takyon_is_OnlineOPβ€’14mo ago
Ok thanks! Is there a way to see the actual lines in the browser. It can get confusing
MarkBootsβ€’14mo ago
yes in the devtools, with inspect element you can see them if you select the element
Mannixβ€’14mo ago
click the grid label to turn on the lines πŸ™‚
No description
MarkBootsβ€’14mo ago
No description
Takyon_is_OnlineOPβ€’14mo ago
Thanks I found it!
MarkBootsβ€’14mo ago
you can also show the line numbers/names (somewhere hidden in the settings, depends on the browser)
Takyon_is_OnlineOPβ€’14mo ago
@MarkBoots @MarkBoots Sorry for the pings. So I tackled this coding example with line numbers. Now I am trying to translate this into line names using grid-template-areas and I am stuck. I commented out what I had before on codepen I don't know how to get grid items to overlap on the grid/line with grid area.
MarkBootsβ€’14mo ago
I don't have the time right now to look at it, but you can maybe watch this video of kevin to get some more understanding of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf-J4ffMBfo
Kevin Powell
Probably the most underrated (and useful) CSS feature
Looking to step up your CSS games? I’ve got free and premium courses to help you out! πŸ‘‰ https://kevinpowell.co/courses?utm_campaign=general&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=named-grid-lines I don’t think I’m alone in not using named grid lines very often. They are something I dismissed early on because I figured line numbers were good enough and f...

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