15 Replies
this is what i have rn and want 10 more for the assignments i need to place in opdrachten

just want help and advice how i should keep it clean
well, you can make a folder
with the index.html having the list. and then seperate files inside that folder for each opdracht
so like /opdrachten/opdracht1.html etc?
and then it looks clean to you?
yea for example.
when you are a bit further, you'll learn how you can do it dinamacally with a js framework
prob not for a long time only 1 week to learn html and css and js and after that we start with springboot and angular💀
ah, that's nice. Good luck with that!!
i need that😞
1 more question
more about style
click me is a js function to turn the h into purple

this is my styleguide but kinda need to implement black more in it😅

how can i do that smoothly
that's more a ui question, maybe better ask in #ui-ux
alr thx for the help tho tought it was way worse than just amking a folder lol
Just start by creating a /static folder that contains a folder for img, css , etc .the path for images would look like this /static/img/image.jpg. The path for css will be /static/css/style.css. I do it like this for years and so far this setup always works to keep the root of your project organized. For handling the html files you can do it like the others are saying, but i think there are better ways to do this if you choose to use PHP or any other server language.