well i have another question, but first

well i have another question, but first some context; was looking at setting up chezmoi so that i can easily set up my dots and configuration between linux (home) and macos (work); would it make more sense to fork and maintain an image of arch (be bazzite-arch or just the bogstandard archlinux ) with the packages i want; (or do it as a script) if so, i know there's a bunch of tooling ublue provides for custom images and i was wondering if that extends to the custom distrobox images as well?
9 Replies
j0rge13mo ago
Yeah we have a few things https://github.com/ublue-os/toolboxes has our generic toolboxes with associated actions, service units, etc. that you might need and is boxkit: https://github.com/ublue-os/boxkit this is a mostly blank one with an alpine example, it's designed to be like a template for your custom distrobox then you put make your arch distrobox in there, and the actions will publish builds for you whenever you want.
BrenInghamOP13mo ago
sweet nice to know thanks!
j0rge13mo ago
we should probably move arch-distrobox to the toolbox repo
BrenInghamOP13mo ago
hmm, having issues with signing, getting an error; getting signer: reading key: decrypt: encrypted: decryption failed - i've used cosign to put the secrets into github actions, and updated the actions to use the keys it sets; but this is still failing.
BrenInghamOP13mo ago
fix: use the COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY secret that cosign sets · breningha...
Custom Arch Image for distrobox . Contribute to breningham/arch development by creating an account on GitHub.
j0rge13mo ago
did you set a password on the key? (it needs to have no password set)
BrenInghamOP13mo ago
i did, but i also set the cosign password env variable but ill try that next probably tomorrow now as its nearly midnight
j0rge13mo ago
yeah not sure if a password env would work
BrenInghamOP13mo ago
no password does indeed work...but i cant seem to use the image in distrobox, i can run it with podman fine (podman run -it ghcr.io/breningham/archbox) but when ran with distrobox i get an error:

Error: could not start entrypoint.
{"msg":"exec container process `/usr/bin/entrypoint`: Too many levels of symbolic links","level":"error","time":"2024-01-21T20:31:35.779669Z"}

Error: could not start entrypoint.
{"msg":"exec container process `/usr/bin/entrypoint`: Too many levels of symbolic links","level":"error","time":"2024-01-21T20:31:35.779669Z"}
thing is, if i build the container locally.... it works fine. any ideas? fwiw the comands i am using is :
❯ distrobox create -i ghcr.io/breningham/archbox:latest -n arch
Creating 'arch' using image ghcr.io/breningham/archbox:latest [ OK ]
Distrobox 'arch' successfully created.
To enter, run:

distrobox enter arch
❯ distrobox enter arch
Error: could not start entrypoint.
{"msg":"exec container process `/usr/bin/entrypoint`: Too many levels of symbolic links","level":"error","time":"2024-01-21T20:42:37.831408Z"}
❯ distrobox create -i ghcr.io/breningham/archbox:latest -n arch
Creating 'arch' using image ghcr.io/breningham/archbox:latest [ OK ]
Distrobox 'arch' successfully created.
To enter, run:

distrobox enter arch
❯ distrobox enter arch
Error: could not start entrypoint.
{"msg":"exec container process `/usr/bin/entrypoint`: Too many levels of symbolic links","level":"error","time":"2024-01-21T20:42:37.831408Z"}
i have a feeling that i need to pull the latest image down with podman... yep, that was it, manually pulled down the latest and its working

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