Pointing subdomain (of non-CF domain) to pages site gives SSL error

I have a domain hosted in Go Daddy and I have a CNAME record with a subdomain pointing to my Pages site. - Type: CNAME - Name: web (that's my sub-domain) - Content: mypagesapp.pages.dev. (Go Daddy inserts the trailing .) But that gives the attached error. What should I do here? Thank you in advance.
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7 Replies
Chaika14mo ago
Means there's no ssl certificate Cloudflare can use for your site. Can you share your actual domain name/the exact url it happens on? Also what does Pages show under Custom Domains for the status?
MityaOP14mo ago
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Chaika14mo ago
Do you still get the same error on loading them? For me, they load without that error, some JS error though:
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MityaOP14mo ago
Sorry - I've been rather idiotic. I failed to remember that I need to go through the "setup custom domain" process for this added sub-domain, since it's on another domain other than hlpst.app. The domain is hlp.city, which doesn't point to CF. So I've now done that, but get this - guess I just need to wait:
MityaOP14mo ago
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MityaOP14mo ago
Oh - it literally changed to "active" as I took the screenshot Sorry, I may have been wasting your time but I appreciate the help
Chaika14mo ago
no worries the error you get isn't exactly helpful, yea you need to add each hostname seperately, can have up to 100 per project for free though, and more for paid plans

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