about cloudflare policies and rules

so I am trying to build a ecommerce builder like shopify as a solo developer. so for hosting all users website I am thinking of using cf pages (will get premium if needed). and they will be adding their sites domain point to cloudfalre nameservers so their domain can connect to pages. now my question is there any limitation of adding domain or general this is possible or there is some cloudflare policies saying it can get me banned. just making sure before building everything then later finding out cf rules don't allow I would be in trouble. Please let me know
6 Replies
AlveeOP14mo ago
note: since it's user based ecommerce builder. per one user there will be atleast one pages + one domain pointed to cf nameservers . so if we have like 100k users meaning 100k pages and 100k domains poiinted to cf nameserver. so does cf allows that or there is some policies blocking something like this.
Cyb3r-Jak314mo ago
You’d run into technical limits. Pages only allows 100 projects per Cloudflare account. It can be raised but you’d have to request it
AlveeOP14mo ago
beside that any other ?
Cyb3r-Jak314mo ago
Depends how the domain linking is going to go. If the users are also using Cloudflare then the CNAMES will require Cloudflare SAAS to be able to link But only other thing I can think of
AlveeOP14mo ago
is it possible to make my own nameserver like ns1.mysite.com ns2.mysite.com and I can manage all users stuff
Cyb3r-Jak314mo ago
I mean yes but you’d have to make sure to make it HA and able to handle the load.

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