CDN friendly RGPD for font, js, etc

Hello, I am looking for a CDN (paid or free) that does not collect user data, allowing me to upload and download custom fonts or JavaScript without requiring the acceptance of third-party cookies. System-UI fonts is not approved by the UI team, so I am looking for a way to make a custom font available without using the Google CDN and without hosting it locally.
5 Replies
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell13mo ago
Bunny Fonts | Explore Faster & GDPR friendly Fonts
Bunny Fonts help make the internet faster, safer and GDPR compliant!
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell13mo ago
This is more of a Google fonts replacement, so not for uploading custom fonts. Is there a reason you don't want to host them locally?
Mr Cookie
Mr CookieOP13mo ago
I am anticipating a bandwidth issue if a user is far away from our servers. Because in the waterfall, this font needs to be loaded before everything else, any delay would generate a block time for the rest (i guess)
Joao13mo ago
You can drastically reduce the font size by removing any unnecessary glyphs. For example if your language is in English you probably don't need to support characters such as: á, â, etc. Take a look at glyphanger and pyftsubset. I've done this recently with one font and managed to lower it from 3 Mb down to 25 Kb. If you want a more friendly click and point interface go over to fontsquirrel and check thier font generator.
Mr Cookie
Mr CookieOP13mo ago
True, I just opened the glyphs section of a font on Google Fonts, and there are 50% that I don't need. strange that Google does not propose option to customize the CDN; it would save them on payload weight. I will try both of your solutions: customizing a Google font and hosting it using the paid option I saw on Fonts Bunny. Thank you both 🙂

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